"The make out scene of the year"

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Hey guys I forget to tell you that the time set is in July/August 2020 and that corona never happened because who wants that bitch around.

"So you're telling me that you're supposed to date Timothée Chalamet." Gina repeated for the millionth time still trying to process the information.


"And that that bitch had the audacity to say that he's out of your league! What an ass!" She said while putting a face mask on me.

When I got back form the office, not long after Timothée, I called in an emergency girls evening to talk about it. It's been an hour and Gin finally did a reaction.

"Yeah and then he said something in french-" I said but I was cut of by my best friend.

"He talks french?! What did he say? Does he know that you also speak french?! Oh my gosh let's google him!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. Connards assholes. Yes because I said tu te prends pour qui toi encore? who do you think you are?. And why should do that?

"Because you're supposed to date him and all good girlfriends should know everything about their boyfriend." She said.

"We're not going to really date it's just for publicity and fine just because I doing know nothing about him." I replied.

She squealed and went to get her laptop. When she got back she sat next to me and googled him.

"Timothée Hal Chalamet, born December 27, 1995 in New York, is a Franco-American actor. After several supporting roles, he was revealed to the general public by the romantic film Call Me by Your Name." She read out loud. "He's french!" She squealed.

She started scrolling until an article caught our eye. "Is Timothée Chalamet still not over his break up with Lily rose Depp ?"

Gina immediately clicked on it:
"Lily Rose Depp and Timmy's romance started in October 2018, after they worked together on Netflix's The King. They were spotted kissing in New York around the same time, with a source telling Us Weekly, "They were pretty playful and flirty with each other."
I read.

"But sadly our favorite couple broke up almost to years after in April 2020" I continued. "This is recent." I stated.

"But wait listen to this:
"It looks like Chalamet hasn't got over his ex lover and that he's going insane! Yes you read it right. There are a lot of rumors going around of him sleeping around A LOT and also some people have mentioned him consuming substances?! But don't worry ladies and gentlemen these rumors aren't confirmed and we can't really see lil Timmy Tim doing stuff like this right?"
Oh wow..." She said after finishing and I sighed.

"Gosh I'm not ready for this but I can't do nothing about it I guess."I said. " I haven't even told Joshua." I said with a groan.

"Do you seriously still care for that guy he's so annoying and clingy." Said Gina with an annoyed voice.

"Yes I do! He's my boyfriend and he's not annoying and clingy." She gave me a look. "Ok maybe a little clingy but he's all I ever asked in a guy."

"Girl you literally have Timothée Chalamet! Jason looks nothing compared to him."

"It's Joshua and I'm not interested in Timothée he's a dick." I said.

"But I ship it..." She muttered.

"Ew gross..." I said while throwing a pillow at her.We started laughing and throwing pillows at each other until we were both on the floor.

"So do you have any projects?" She asked.

"Yeah I have a Netflix movie. The filming starts in mid December." I replied.

"Oooo what is it about?" She said interested.

"I still didn't receive the script but just know that I'm going to have a love interest and that we're going to have two make out scenes." I replied.

"Aaah I hope your co-star is hot because oh boy that will set the internet on fire! It would be the make out scene of the year!" Said excited. I laughed at her goofiness.

Gosh I love her so much I don't know what my life would be without her.

Hi guys how are you? Hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to like and tell me your thoughts on it in the comments 🙂❤️
Until the next one!

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