"The chemistry is unexistente"

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"Bonjour G." I said while walking into our kitchen.

"Bonjour bien dormi ? Sleep well?" She asked as she sat down at the table with twi cups of coffee.

"Yeah, you?" I sat down and started sipping coffee.

"Yes like a baby."She said with a smile. "Do you have anything planned today?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm supposed to go to the office. Robbin is going to tell me details about this contract." I said with a groan."You wanna come?"

"I can't I have to help design your dress for the Oscars." She said with a squeal.

Gina and I have been best friends since Middle school. Her parents are from England and they moved to France when she was 8 so that's why she speaks french fluently. Thank Lord our parents worked together so when we were 16 we moved to the US and we had the chance to be neighbors and in the same school.

We were basically sisters. We went to the same university even though be didn't major in the same thing. I did directing and acting, and she did fashion. That's why she's my personal make up artist and that she helps with designing my clothes for events.

"We'll grab lunch after right ?" I asked.

"Yeah of course."

I smiled at her and went to my room to get ready for the day.

At the office

"Hey Monica!" I said to my manager's assistant while walking to Robbin's office.

"Hi Elizabeth" she said with a smile

When I entered his office he was with Jessica (Timothee's manager) and the devil himself. He looked hungover and tired but still looked somehow hot.

"Elz good morning sweetheart take a seat Monica will make you coffee." He said joyful while pointing the seat next to Timothée.

I sat down and scooted my chair away from him. He gave me a death look that I just ignored. "Can we just get it over with I have somewhere to go where people aren't rude for no reason" Timothée said while shouting me a look.

"Me rude for no reason ? You're the one who insulted me for no reason!" I shot back.

"I didn't insult you I just said the untold-" He got cut off by his manager.

"Can you guys stop being childish and let us explain." She said.

We sat back down and silently waited for her to start talking.

"Thank you so here's how it's going to work; You guys will need to make public apparitions that are planned by the team where you guys need to appear all lovely dodey." Said Robbin.

"Do we have to kiss? Please no kissing

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