"I couldn't stop them"

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"Elizaaa Come on wake up Robbin called he needs you at the office today. It's an emergency." I heard Gina say as she shook me.

"5 minutes" I replied with a cranky voice.

"He said that it was an emergency come on. What if it has to do with a project." She said.

"Ugh. Fine but if it's nothing I swear I'm going to kill him" I threatened.

Arrived at the office

"Eliza thank God you're here I started to get worried." Exclaimed Robbin, my manager as I walk in the office.

"Yeah and It better be worth it or I swear you won't make it home to your husband." I threatened him.

"It is worth it but you won't really like the idea..." He mumbled. When we arrived Infront of the meeting room he stopped me and faced me.

"Before you enter I just want to say that I'm truly sorry. I tried my best to stop them but it was impossible. Please don't hate me" he said and then hugged me.

I'm not gonna lie I'm scared. I know that he was referring to my parents. You see, my parents have always controlled my life especially my career. When I told them that I wanted to become an actress they literally "kicked me out" (they sent me at my aunt's house) for 3 months.

But then came one day and told me that I can pursue my dreams under one condition; They had the final decision for everything that I made.

I took a deep breath and entered the room; There were a man and a woman whom I didn't know, members of my team, and an oddly familiar look boy with curly hair. He was beautiful.

The 3 strangers stood up along with my team. I looked at my publicist, Sara who gave me a sad look and mouthed "sorry".

What is wrong with everybody apologizing today?

"Hello Elizabeth, I'm Jessica Lawson and this is Jackson Smith we are Timothée Chalamet's manager and assistant manager."

Timothée Chalamet, the peach boy.
That's where I knew him for. I mean let's be honest he's a really good actor but that scene will always not be funny to me.

"Hello" I replied with a shy tone.

We all sat down. "So you probably know why we're here..." The man, Jackson said in his thick accent I'm guessing he's from Boston.

"Actually no I don't. I just know that it's important for my career and that it was worth waking me up this early." I replied.

"Oh" Jessica and Jackson said as they looked at Sara, my publicist.

"Ok hear me out Eliza... Umm we are signing a deal with Mr.Chalamet and... You guys are going to start "dating"."

"What the actual fuck?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Elz but your parents already signed it..." Replied Sara calmly.

"Do you guys actually expect me to date him?! No and I'm already dating someone! Were you thinking about me and Joshua when you signed this stupid deal?!" I yelled my voice filled with anger.

"Guys she's right why are we doing this it's going to be obvious, I mean look at her, I'm way out of her league." Said a voice, it was Timothée's.

"Excuse you but who the fuck do you think you are?" I was about to get up and scream at him but Robbin (he's my manager btw) stopped me.

"Elz calm down." He said calmly. He always knew how to calm me when I nervous or angry.

"Oh boy how am I supposed to calm down?!" I said in a more calm tone but it still had a hint of anger.

"Don't worry eliza it will only last 7 months" he said to me.

"yeah just 7 months with a complet douch! that's fiiine" I replied sarcastically.

"Hey you're not the only person who is going to suffer from this. And why did you guys choose her and not a better chick?" Timothée asked. If it weren't from Robbin I would have jumped on him and I would have kick him in the balls.

"Well she needs publicity to grow her career and you need a girlfriend to cover all the rumors about you." Jackson answered.

"Connards assholes" he muttered. Wait he speaks french?

"Hé tu te prends pour qui toi encore Hey, who do you think you are?" I said. He looked at me with wide eyes and then left quickly.

I have a feeling this is going to be the longest 7 months of my life.

Hi guys how are you ? Hope you liked it don't forget to like and comment your thoughts about this.
Bye 👋❤️🥰

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