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Author's POV

The car ride was... okay. They arrived at the club and met Aubrey, Stacie and Fat Amy at the bar. "You took us to a strip club?", Beca raised an eyebrow at Amy. "Yeah, all of you are gay except- well me and the giraffe", she pointed at Emily. Fat Amy has gotten quite close to the students ever since Chloe left. She helped Emily and Stacie when it comes to Beca and when the girls bought their house with a spare room- well she just walked in with her bags and stayed there. "That's very.. nice of you?", Aubrey said, unsure. "Alright, bottoms up, bitches!", Stacie grabbed the shots and passed them around.

Few shots in, everyone was on the dance floor- dancing their asses off, except for Stacie and Beca. "So, did Chloe said anything yet about your hot date?", she nudged Beca. "No not yet", Beca took a sip of her drink. "Think for the trick to work, you actually have to be with your date, not let her dance with some random dudes", Stacie shook her head. "Funny thing is, even though I brought Rose here, my eyes are glued on Chloe", she chuckled awkwardly but stopped when the redhead started walking towards her. "Come on, Mitchell, no moves tonight?", drunk Chloe slurred. "No no, not tonight", Beca smiled. "But Becaaaa, this is your jam!", Chloe threw herself onto Beca. "Babe, you getting us more drinks?", she heard Alice's voice calling out for Chloe. "For sure!", Chloe walked to the bar and ordered their drinks. Beca took this time to 'escape' from the redhead and took her drink before taking a seat infront of the stage.

She stared at one of the stripper intensely. She was a redhead, like Chloe. The stripper walked down to Beca and the brunette set her drink aside, leaning back to her seat.  "What brings you here today?", she asked Beca before she stood between Beca's legs and started swaying her hips. "Just out with some friends", Beca let out. "What's your name, darling?", the brunette asked. "You can call me Mikayla", she smirked. Mikayla swung her hips around until her ass is practically inches away from Beca's face who turned away for a drink. "Not enjoying the show?", Mikayla asked before grinding her ass against Beca who returned a smirk. "Didn't say that now did I?", she said and placed her hands on the redhead's hips. "I saw you came in with that girl", she pointed at Rose. "Yeah, but she- she can handle herself", Beca uses her hand to push Mikayla's hips a little bit harder on her lap, letting out a moan.

"Who's Beca with?", Chloe asked.

"Oh, that's one of the strippers here, quite a hit", Fat Amy responded.

Mikayla stood up and properly sat on Beca's lap before swaying her hips again. She took Beca's hands and guide them up towards her bra. "Coming off a bit strong now, aren't we?", Beca leaned and whispered right under her ear. Boy, does she know how to get a girl turned on. With Beca's hands still in hers, she placed them right on her boobs. "They're all yours", she said. Beca smirked before softly squeezing them, making the redhead moan. "Why don't you come home with me tonight, hm?", Beca whispered into her ear again, leaving a trail of kisses down to her neck. She took her wallet and took out a 50 dollar bill and tucked it in Mikayla's underwear. "Let me go get my stuff", she smirked. "I'll see you in a bit", she added before walking towards the changing rooms. Beca finished her drink and went to the bar.

"Who were you with?", Chloe asked, awkwardly. "One of the strippers, Mikayla", was all she replied. "I'm going home with her in a bit, you guys mind giving Rose a ride?", she looked over to Aubrey and Stacie who nodded in response. Beca walked over to Rose on the dance floor, who seems to be enjoying herself. "Hey, I'm gonna head home", she said. "Okay, this fine young man here is gonna give me a ride", Rose replied, pointing at the, very obviously, a frat guy. "No, you're not. Aubrey there is going to make sure you get home safe, alright?", Beca told her and walked back to the girls where she waited for Mikayla.


We got home safely and wasted no time getting into business. I led her to my room and pushed her against the door as soon as we got in. I kissed her rough and let our tongues crash together. Without any hesitation, she let my tongue explore her mouth like a new territory while she let out a moan. We walked to the bed not pulling away, I laid her down on the bed and took her clothes off while she does the same for me. "God, you're hot", I mumbled into the kiss. 

After I took her undergarments off, I left a trail of kisses and hickeys down her body. From her neck, to her chest, to her stomach, all the way down to her thighs. She moaned when I got intensely close to her burning spot. "Please", she whimpered. "Please what, darling?",  I sat few centimeters away from her clit. "Fuck me", she said and that was all I need to close the distance. I run my tongue over her softly but fast. After her breaths get faster, I shoved a finger into her and felt her getting tense around my finger. Her back arched while she starts grinding on my finger.

Author's POV

"God, Beca, yes! Fuck me! Faster, please!", Mikayla's moans were heard from Beca's room. "God, I did not come home from a strip club to hear this", Aubrey groaned and walked to the fridge. "Right there! Oh my god, don't stop!", just as she said that a long series of moans were heard. "Please stop", Emily rolled her eyes. "I'd much rather have her do it when we're sleeping", she added. "Are they finally done? They've been going at it for like an hour and a half", Stacie said. "Does this like happen every night?", Chloe asked with her hand around Alice who's sleeping with her head on Chloe's chest. "Most nights, but usually we're sleeping", Fat Amy replied. 

Moments later, they heard Beca's door open and footsteps coming down the stairs. Everyone looked at Beca who seemed like she ran a 10 mile marathon. "Did I keep you guys up?", she chuckled. "She's a loud one", Emily replied. "And a very intense one, my fingers hurt", the tiny brunette said. She walked to the fridge and grabbed an ice pack. "That bad, huh?", Stacie raised an eyebrow. "You have no idea", she smiled and sat down on the dining table. Beca looked over to the couch to see Chloe and her girlfriend. "No matter how hard and how much I fuck someone, still can't get over that", she muttered. 

-----NEXT MORNING-----

"Morning", Chloe said to Beca. It was just the two of them in the kitchen. "Forgot that you're a morning person", Beca smiled to Chloe. "Coffee?", the redhead asked. "Yes please", Beca replied. "Did you have a good time last night?", she asked Chloe. "So tiring, my back hurts", she laughed. "Oh come on, Professor, did you not party in the UK?", Beca asked. "No, in the UK it was just work after work after work", Chloe laughed and passed a cup of coffee to the tiny brunette sitting across her. They both locked eyes and Beca was taken back to when they were together.

"Here's your coffee, mi amor", Beca smiled as she walked in the class door. "Hi, baby", the redhead finally relaxed in her chair. "How's your day going, Miss Beale?", Beca asked. "I told you to not call me that when we're together, and my day has been going okay. Just a bit stressed out, I've been grading papers", Chloe replied. "Poor you", the brunette walked towards her girlfriend and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Hi", Chloe smiled into the kiss. Beca dropped her bag down to the floor and stood behind Chloe, giving her a massage. "Mm, to what do I owe the pleasure?", she asked. "Just thought you might need a break, darling. You've been a little too tense lately", Beca replied and kissed her cheek. "I love you", Chloe let out. "I love you", the younger woman replied.

"Beca??", Emily snapped her fingers in front of Beca's face. "Yep?", Beca snapped out of her thoughts. "Your lady friend is awake", Emily said. "Oh, yeah it's fine she knows her way down", the brunette said. 

"Hey, I gotta get going, told my friend to pick me up", Mikayla went down and walked over to Beca. "Okay, I'll see you around", Beca smiled and gave her a long passionate kiss. "Thank you for last night", Mikayla smirked.

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