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Koko's Corvette streaked down the road that led to Safe Haven Northwest. He could see the haven in the distance, thanks to the fact that many of the trees that had once surrounded the hidden city had been leveled for expansion. Buildings made of organic material, steel, and concrete loomed on the horizon, glittering in the light of the rising sun.

"Well," Koko said to himself, "that's new." He turned on the radio, searching for a local news station.

"...and I know we've been having this debate for a couple of years now, but I still think it's a topic we need to talk about. The guy has schizophrenia. Granted. But doesn't that mean he should be in a mental institution? I mean, if anything, he needs to be somewhere AWAY from people."

"Look, Harry, I'm not disagreeing with you, but Derschwitz ain't been around for two years. Everyone knows about how he basically fell off the face of the planet after the Convergence, so I think—"

"No, Cal, you're not hearing me. The authorities need to find him, arrest him, and put him away. Running away and hiding is not sufficient punishment for what he—"

Koko turned off the radio, shuddering. The Convergence, he echoed in his head, recalling the days he spent fighting off creatures in the farmlands of Nebraska. That was the worst. Still don't believe Addison could'a done all that, tho'...

Koko slowed down as the road's five lanes split into ten, each of which had what appeared to be a toll booth set up a few hundred feet away. There weren't many cars at the booths, so it didn't take long for Koko to reach one.

Inside the booth was a woman dressed in red-and-white—the staple colours of Xirxine Northwest. "ID," she said in a bored tone, holding out a hand.

Koko handed her his driver's license.

The woman glanced down at it and then raised an eyebrow, looking back at Koko. "That's you?" she asked, pointing at the picture—which was of Koko before he transitioned back to male.

Koko flashed a grin. "Glow-ups, am I right?"

The woman raised a finger to her ear.

"Sorry, I—I just forgot to update it," Koko said quickly, holding up his hands. "It is me, though—honest."

"You're Kourtney Kohl?"

"It's actually 'Kory' Kohl."

"That's not what this license says."

"Look, babe, I'm just tryna go home," Koko pleaded. "Just lemme through, alright?"

The woman frowned. "'Babe'?"


Koko was twiddling his thumbs in the temporary detainment cell when the door opened, causing him to look up. Upon seeing who stood there, he leapt to his feet and spread his arms, allowing the green-furred werewolf who'd entered the cell to give him a tight embrace. "Mint!" he exclaimed, squeezing his sister. "Aw, you don't know how glad I am to see ya!"

"Because it's been three years, or because I'm getting you out of jail?" Mint asked jokingly, her voice catching in her throat as tears welled in her eyes.

"Would it hurt if I said 'both'?"

Mint half-laughed, half-sobbed as she hugged her brother again.


"So what'd they do with my car?" Koko asked as he slipped into the passenger seat of Mint's mint-green Volkswagen Type 2.

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