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Koko shook his head as he tore up asphalt on his way back to the City District. "What happened to this place, man?" he wondered to himself. "It's like all the good vibes just got sucked out of it."

He came to a stop in front of Zoo Phoenix Academy, the most prominent school in the haven. It seemed to have grown as well, with additions on the east, west, and southern wings. "Yeesh. Somebody's breaking the bank to make this place a whole lot bigger," Koko muttered, climbing out of his Corvette. He smiled when he spotted a familiar scene at the doors of the school: a large cheetah twice as big as any other berating a small group of students for some cheeky misdemeanor. Well, it's nice to see that some things haven't changed, he thought, approaching the entrance.

Vice Principal Zechariah Wallace's ear twitched, and he turned in Koko's direction. "Ah! Miss Kohl," he greeted the werewolf with a welcoming smile. "Or Mr. Kohl, I suppose I should say. Welcome back to Z.P.A. It's been quite a while, hasn't it?"

"No kiddin'," Koko agreed, shaking Zechariah's paw. "Think it's been six years since I last saw you."

"That was at your graduation, wasn't it?" Zechariah beckoned to Koko with his tail, walking into the academy.

"Uh, yeah, I think so." Koko fell in step with the vice principal, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"If I recall correctly, you were bit... different back then," Zechariah stated, glancing at Koko out of the corner of his eye. "Hence my slip-up earlier."

Koko laughed. "Well, y'know... people change, right?"

"Indeed they do." Zechariah shot a student (who had been running down the hall) a fierce glare, causing her to slow to a steady walk. "So did you come to reminisce? Chat with some old friends? Or simply bask in nostalgia?"

"D, all of the above," Koko replied. "Thanks for makin' it multiple choice, by the way."

Zechariah chuckled. "You're quite welcome. Are you looking for anyone in particular?"

"Yeah, actually. I wanted to talk with some of—" Koko paused, then lowered his voice and whispered, "Some of Addison's old friends. I wanna ask them what really happened during the Convergence."

"Ah." Zechariah's eyebrows rose slightly. "I see. Doing a bit of private investigation, are we?"

Koko grinned wolfishly. "You could say that."

"Hm. Very well." Zechariah paused outside his office and told Koko, "Concerning Addison's closest allies, I can give you the locations of most. Sarah Sahara is currently a scientist in Xirxine's M.A.G.I.C. Studies Division; Damian Beelzly is taking classes at Blacksdale University; Gustav Gray is working full-time as a Protector—with government pay, of course; Camilla Gray teaches dance at her own academy, 'Safe Haven School of Dance'; and—"

"Wait, did you say Camilla Gray?" Koko interrupted.

"Yes," Zechariah confirmed. "She and Gustav were married not too long after the Convergence."

"Ya don't say? How 'bout that." Koko frowned and tilted his head. "What about Mac? Addi's girlfriend?"

"Miss MacKenzie Payoray divides her time between professional stage acting and co-teaching drama classes with Jackie and Nathan," Zechariah informed him. "Both of the latter are out sick today, however, so it should be fairly easy to speak with her privately about... your subject of interest. And, of course, should you desire some deeper insight on the topic, you can visit his foster mother, Latika Chokshi, in the art room."

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