XVII. What Happens in the Bathroom, Stays in the Bathroom

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        I flip through the textbook. "Did you mark down all the people who contributed to making the charm?" I ask Draco. Draco holds up his notebook. "I got the names all here along with each location the charm was tested out in," Draco says proudly. I smile at him, pleased. "I'm so lucky I got you as my partner," I tell him. "Yeah, would hate to be your friend right now," Draco says, looking across the classroom. Hermione jots down all the notes as Pansy sits back with her legs up on the desk. I clench my fist. "Don't get involved, Ellie. I'm sure the professor will call her out on not doing work," Draco reassures me. I glance over at Professor Flitwick who is speaking with Seamus and Crabbe. "You boys are going to have to learn how to work together," he tells them. Seamus groans but nods. 

I turn back to Draco. "It seems that this whole pairing Slytherin with Gryffindor was a bad idea," I tell him. Draco shrugs. "I don't think it's so bad.. I get to work with you," he says. I roll my eyes. "Well, everyone else is struggling," I say glancing around the classroom. Neville stares fearfully at his partner, Tracey. Ron and Goyle seem to be doing their own thing, not interacting with each other. I glance over at Harry and Theodore. They're working well together. Theodore shows Harry the notes he's taken so far. Harry's confused by it. Harry nods and they begin to talk about the charm. I turn back to Draco. "I think out of all your friends, Theodore is the nicest," I say. 

Draco looks up from his notebook. "Theodore usually keeps to himself. He's the type that doesn't like to pick fights, but will fight if he has too.. To be honest, I really think your friend helped him to be more open," Draco informs me. I smile. "That's Leo. He has that effect on people," I say. Draco laughs. Professor Flitwick clears his throat. "Now, I hope you have gathered all the information you need. Your reports are due by the end of this week! So please bare with working with each other for a few more days! Remember this is a huge portion of your grade, so both partners must contribute! That will be all!" The class slowly starts packing up their belongings. "I'll start on the paper," I tell Draco. "Let's meet up to write it," Draco suggests. "Okay." 

We walk out of the classroom. "Ellie!" I turn around and see Leo bolting down the corridor towards me. I stare at him puzzled. "T-the-" Leo stops himself to catch his breath. The potion is blue! My eyes go wide. "Finally!" I say. I run down the corridor in the direction he came from with the Leo following me closely. We run into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She hovers over the potion. I quickly approach the potion sitting in the cauldron. It's blue. Footsteps enter the bathroom behind us. "It's blue?" Alexander asks panting. I nod, staring at the potion. It's time. "Did you pour it in?" Nathan asks, kneeling down besides me. I pull out the vial from my pocket. "You just carry the Iguana Blood in your pocket?" Leo asks, a bit disgusted. I shrug. "I wanted to be prepared." 

Allison kneels down on the other side of me. "Hurry, pour it in," she demands. I look around at my friends and take a deep breath. I open the vial and slowly pour the blood into the potion. Allison takes the empty vial from my hand. We all stare at the potion intensely. A small popping noise is heard and then nothing. "Is that it?" Leo asks, a bit disappointed. Nathan studies the potion. "I believe so.. It's ready," he says, glancing over at me. "Okay," I say clapping my hands. I turn to Nathan. "You ready to do this?" I ask him. He nods. "Wait-- are you sure you want to do this?" Alexander asks us, having second thoughts. I glance over at Nathan. "It's too late to back down," he says. He pulls out a glass and pours the potion into it. 

"However, I have a suggestion," Nathan says, staring at the potion in the glass. "Absolutely not," I say reading his mind. "What?" Leo asks. "I suggest I take the potion and Ellie does the spell," Nathan says, ignoring my comment. "Well, Ellie is the one who needs to talk to her mom, so it would make sense for her to do the communicating," Allison says, thinking out loud. "Fine, Ellie do the spell, I'll drink it," Alexander says, reaching for the potion. Nathan holds the glass closer to him. "No. After Ellie, I'm the second strongest," Nathan says. Allison laughs. "That's so not true. Alexander could definitely beat you in a fight," she says. Nathan looks at Alexander. "The fact that I'm a werewolf makes my body stronger." "Right. He's a werewolf." Alexander sighs, nodding. "Wait, seriously?' Allison asks, seeing that Alexander is letting Nathan drink the potion. 

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