IV. The Truth is Out

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'Does it ever drive you crazy,
just how fast the night changes? '

I stand in the middle of the office, as the men stand around me. The tension in the room is high. Uncle Severus closes the door behind us. Professor Dumbledore shakes his head, disappointed. "That was no way to handle this situation, Cornelius." The Minister scoffs. "Do you not understand that you're defending a dark witch! I still cannot understand how you could have done this. You yourself defeated Grindelwald. You knew the man he was!" "Exactly! I knew who he was. And I know she is nothing like him!" Professor Dumbledore explains, pointing to me. "You are blinded by sympathy for the child!" Fudge shouts. "She has done nothing wrong! She is just a child! You saw how those students defended her. They know she means no evil, " Dumbledore says back. "They are children, Albus! Children! What do they know? She probably was able to brainwash them. You know how good Gellert Grindelwald was at convincing people!"

I stand still, not moving. What do I do? Should I say something? "Professor Dumbledore, you seem to believe in this child.. However, I remember finding her at the scene of the Dark Mark," Mr. Crouch pitches in. Fudge looks at Professor Dumbledore. "Did you hear him? He found her at that crime scene! The place where the Dark Mark was found." Professor Dumbledore sighs and glances at me. Yes, the timing was bad, but it wasn't me. I know you believe me, Professor.  "What do you have to say about that, Dumbledore?" Mr. Malfoy asks him. "That she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know for a fact it was not her who performed that spell," Professor Dumbledore says, defending me. I smile softly.

Mr. Malfoy scoffs. "I don't understand how you keep defending her," Fudge says, surprised. "Minister, they should be locked up for this. All of them," Malfoy tells him. No. They can't do that! I start to speak, but instantly stop knowing I'm only going to make it worse. Fudge looks at Dumbledore. "Who else knew?" "Newt Scamander and I," Professor Dumbledore says. I stare at him. Wait, what about Uncle Severus? "Nonsense. Severus Snape knew as well," Malfoy barks, pointing to Uncle Severus. Uncle Severus stands expressionless. "Not true. Only Newt and I knew the true identity of Ellie.. I asked Severus to raise the her, but I told him she was a muggle-born who was orphaned," Professor Dumbledore says. Everyone looks at Uncle Severus. "Is this true?" Fudge asks him. Uncle Severus nods. "It is, Minister. This is the first time I'm hearing that she is a Grindelwald," Uncle Severus says, not looking at me. What? Why are they lying?

Malfoy nods slowly, believing Uncle Severus. He looks at the Minister. "What should we do, Minister?" Fudge thinks for a moment. He shakes his head, turning to Professor Dumbledore. "Albus, you know that prophecy better than any of us.. How could you do this?" He asks, his voice softer than before. "The prophecy said 'For a power never seen before, will erupt by the hands of a Grindelwald.' It never said if it would be good or bad, we just assumed it was bad because Gellert was bad.. Augustus was a good man, yet he was killed for being a Grindewald. I refuse to throw a child into prison for being born as a Grindewald. That's not her fault. Her grandfather made the bad choices, not her... Cornelius, we cannot define these children based on their parents and their family members' behaviors. If so, there are a handful of children who belong in prison for what their parents have done," Professor Dumbledore states. He glances over at Mr. Nott and Malfoy.

Malfoy eyes widen. "A-are you referring to me, Dumbledore?" Professor Dumbledore shrugs lightly. "I didn't mention any names, Lucius. For you to assume you fall in that category, must mean you believe you're guilty of it." Mr. Malfoy mutters under her breath. "Enough of this. Minister, she must be contained. She can't be trusted!" Mr. Crouch says, coming forward. Malfoy nods agreeing with him. "Contained?! You're going to throw a child into prison?" Professor Dumbledore, asks disgusted. He scoffs and turns to Fudge. He looks at him, trying to reason with him. "Cornelius, you said it yourself. I know this prophecy better than all of you. Why would I defend her if she isn't innocent? You know me, you know you can trust my actions and instincts." The Minister looks quietly from Professor Dumbledore to me. "It doesn't matter what someone is born, but rather what they grow to be. Give her a chance." There is a silence. My heart races.

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