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I slept for three hours. The clock was so much by now that the gig was starting in two hours.
I felt like raising from the death, like always when you take a nap.
I touched my cheek, there where Olli touched me.
His touch made me feel special. It feels kinda unreal.
Yes we have cuddled and stuff back in the days, but now it feels so.. special.
I wanted him to hold me forever. I want him to hold me forever.
I want to feel safe in his arms. I want to sleep next to him, waking up and still see that he's sleeping.
I want to wake him up by touching his hair, leaving kisses to his face.
I want that we would walk around, in front of everyone, and we would hold hands. Tight.
I want the feeling that he will never let go of me.
I want to feel special to someone.
But not to someone, only to him.
I want us to cuddle like we did before.
Can we do it?
We can't.
The last time we did, I still remember like it happened only yesterday.
I want to laugh with you again. I want to cry with you again.
I want to share the deepest secrets in my life with you again.

I want you to know that you can trust me.
You still trust me, I know it.
The trust between us doesn't go away.
The connection doesn't fly away.
I remember our parents asking back in the days that are we dating. I remember how my mom smirked after asking that. We only looked each other, and then laughed.
I wanted to say yes.
Your dad always teased us about it when we layed down on your bed, listened some music and talked. Sometimes we were silent, and just enjoyed the moment.
Those moments felt special. Very special ones.
And they will always stay in my heart.
I always remember those times when you played your acoustic guitar, silently. It was raining outside, and it was dark in your room. You sat on your bed, I was laying, and I watched how you played.
You made it look so magical, easy.
Then you silently hummed something.
I loved to hear your voice, even that less.
I started humming too, and our voices matched together perfectly.
You looked me straight in the eye when I started to hum, and you showed me a piece of your sweet smile.
"Teach me how to play guitar." I said once, and you got excited about it.

You teached me. We laughed everytime when I did something wrong. But also you were very patient, and when I chuckled, you placed my fingers to the right strings.
"Don't be afraid, trust yourself." You told me, when I hesitated to play something.
"It's hard, it sounds bad anyways." I always sighed, and wanted to give up.
"I trust you, come on. I will teach you so long that you'll be the world best guitar player." You grinned and poked me, you made me feel more confident on my own skills.
"Well that will take forever." I chuckled when you waited for me to start play my first song I ever learned.
You chuckled, I loved to make you laugh.
I wanted you to feel happy around me, and you did.
I could be my only true self with you.
"You know what that means?" You asked, looking me under your eyebrows.
"We have to stay together forever then." You continued.
With you I felt like someone really cared about me. You always listened me. And I listened you.
And I hope that I could time travel, and experience those moments again.

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