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                          20. MISSING HIM


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Alarm. That fucking annoying thing, that is excatly the last thing you want to hear first in the morning when you wake up. With closed eyes, I reached my hand to the phone, and shut it. Also today I have a night shift in the cafe. But before that, Olli has to go to the airport with Tommi. So they could visit their homes before the gig in Seinäjoki at this friday.
"Olli..." I said with my morning voice, and I turned around. Now we were face to face, and he still kept his arms wrapped around my body. His messy curls were everywhere in his face, and it made me smile.
"You have to wake up before the airplane will left without you." I continued and moved some hair away from his face. He only mumbled when slowly he started to wake up, and he moved a bit. But didn't open his eyes.
"This time is no danger of Santeri getting mad..." He answered quietly, and I only chuckled.
"You're right. But it will probably be Tommi." I answered and tried to turn around so I could get up.
"Don't leave me..." He groaned and tightened his grip on my waist.

"Hey, we have to get up. It would not be nice if you would miss your flight." I poked him, and then he opened his eyes.
"I wouldn't mind..." He mumbled and let go of me, then he turned on his back and rubbed his eyes.
I didn't say anything to that.

Olli was calling himself a taxi, while I leaned against my wall in the hallway.
"Okay, thank you." He said to the phone, and ended the call.
"It will be here about in five minutes." He said as he put the phone in his jeans pocket, and then started to put his shoes on. I took a deep breath, I didn't want him to leave again. When he was ready, he looked me in the eyes. I only showed him a small smile, then he came to me and hugged.
I hugged him back, closed my eyes and pressed my head against his chest.
"I'll be back in friday, then we start our journey to Seinäjoki." He said and I only nodded, that much how I could.
"Then you will be gone again for a week." I said, then we pulled apart from each other, but he still kept his hands in my shoulders.
We looked each other in the eyes, and his gaze wandered between my both eyes. Oh, all the things I would love to say right now. I just want to open my mouth, and tell him about my every feeling I feel towards him. How I love his smile, eyes, laugh and.. just everything. I would like to talk about the poem I wrote him ten years ago...

"Let's not think about that yet, let's wait for friday, okay?" He said smiling, and I only nodded.
Then he took all his stuff and headed to the door, and kept his hand in the door handle. He looked me again, and we both smiled.
"Will you be fine, for sure?" He asked.
"I'll be fine as long as I know you're fine." I smiled to him, and he nodded.
Then he was gone.

I was tired in work, one hour so I would close the place and go home. It has been a busy day, and it was harder than ever to smile to every customer and be some kind of positive.
"You need a receipt?" I asked with happy tone, holding that small piece of paper in my hand.
"No thank you." That old man smiled to me, and I only nodded and put the receipt in a carbage while I watched that man leaving the cafe with his two cupcakes.
I sighed, and leaned against the counter.
"Tough day?" My co-worker stood near me and made an coffee.
"Yeah.. can't wait to go to sleep." I said, and watched few of the customers who sat in the cafe with their partners, friends and so on. There was only few of them.
"You can go home if you want, I can handle this one hour and close this place." She suddenly said, and I turned around, I looked her confused.
"What? No you don't have to." I said, frowning.
"But I want to. Go home and sleep well, so tomorrow your morning shift doesn't feel so bad." She smiled and started to drink the coffee she just made.
I was just opening my mouth, and no words coming out. She giggled.
"Go home! I can handle this, believe me." She said and poked my shoulder.
"Okay.. but I will repay this to you, I promise." I smiled a bit and she only nodded, showing me with her hand to go change the clothes and then leave.

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