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I woke up to the sound of alarm that came from my phone. I sighed and turned it off. Olli's arm was wrapped around me, I was laying on my back, and I felt his breath against my neck. It made chills to my body.
I smiled little bit, I didn't want to go. Also I couldn't, because he got so tight grip on me. I moved my head a bit, so I could see his face. His curly hair was messy, and he looked so relaxed, and I knew he was in deep sleep. Like always. I slept way better when he was next to me.
As much as I wanted us to stay here, and I would've had liked to watch him sleeping as long as he wakes up, but today is two gigs, and I'm sure that boys wouldn't like to find a new bassist.
"Olli..." I said and took grip of his hand that was wrapped around me, and I tried to shake him little bit. He didn't react, so I did it over and over again.
Then he was finally moving a bit, and he mumbled something while still keeping eyes closed.
"Olli we have to get up, today is going to be a hurry and tough day." I said to him. Then he started to open his eyes very little bit, that much he could almost see me.

"I don't want to..." He mumbled with his raspy morning voice, I sighed.
"Maybe I should call to Santeri then..." I said and started to reach my phone from my bedside table.
"No you don't!" Olli said and pushed me against the bed, I only chuckled.
"You know what Santeri will do to you when you don't show up in time?" I smirked and Olli did too, but he tried to stay serious.
"He will ring the doorbell, and none of us is moving, because you won't let us. He will ring it again and again, and shout throught the door. He will ring the doorbell, bang the door and call you at the same time." I told the story, grinning and Olli just chuckled next to me, while we both watched each other in the eyes.
"And then..?" Olli asked quietly, waiting for me to continue this exciting story. My gaze wandered around his both eyes, and they did their magic again.
"Then, suddenly it's going to be silent. You thought it was over, and you will sigh in relief. Until Santeri will run through the door and breaks it. He will shout at the same time, and he looks every corner of this apartment. You think he can't find you." I kept the tension up, and Olli just kept smirking, and he studied my face at the same time while I talked.

"Will he find me?" Olli asked curious, showing his wonderful smile, and his cute teeth showed.
"Santeri thought he watched every place in here, until he sees that door that is closed." I pointed the door with my gaze, and then looked him again.
Olli looked it guickly too, and then me again, he was waiting curious how the story will continue.
"You hear his steps coming closer and closer, until you see that door handle going down. He opens the door, and here he finds you, almost naked and laying down." I chuckled and he did too.
"What will happen then?" He asked, trying not to laugh because of the tension.
"He looks very angry, you can imagine that. He will take a grip of your feet, and then he starts to walk forward, dragging you after him."  I smirked and he chuckled. He was laying on his side, supporting his head with his hand. I was still on my back.
"What about the beautiful lady? What happens to her in the story?" He asked, smirking and frowning.
"What lady?" I asked chuckling.
"The lady that layed down next to me, you know, brown hair, green eyes." He talked, studying my face. I felt my cheeks burning. I started to get up, and I was sitting at the edge of my bed.

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