"Chapter 15"

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Meredith squeezed Derek's hand happily as they approached the building that housed Dr. Welch's office. They were going in for a 30 week checkup, and they were both looking forward to seeing the baby.

Meredith was quickly called into an exam room by a nurse who, after allowing Meredith to provide a urine sample, went through the usual process of taking her temperature, blood pressure, weight, and a vial of her blood. With only ten weeks remaining until her due date, this had become a regular routine.

Dr. Welch entered soon after the nurse left and measured Meredith's belly, noting that it was a good size for 30 weeks. She asked her usual questions about how Meredith was feeling and answered the questions presented by both parents. The ultrasound left Both Meredith and Derek with the usual sense of amazement. Their baby had gotten so big this time that their excitement over meeting her increased tenfold.

After the ultrasound, Dr. Welch was making some notes in Meredith's chart.

"Meredith you said you've been experiencing some headaches lately, correct?" she inquired.

"Yes, that's right. Nothing too bad or too frequent, but they're definitely new," she answered.

"And they've proceeded even since we took you off of overnight shifts?" Dr. Welch asked.

"Yes, they have," Meredith frowned, "Is everything all right?"

"Your blood pressure is higher than I'd like to see. That combined with the headaches is concerning me a little," the doctor explained.

"What's going on? Is it preeclampsia?" she asked nervously, clutching Derek's hand like a lifeline.

"No, I don't think you've got preeclampsia, but I think you're starting to show risk factors for developing it. It's not much to worry about this far along, but I don't want to take any chances," Dr. Welch explained.

"Okay," Meredith nodded.

"I'm also concerned about the amount of time you spend standing up during surgery. You've complained about the pain in your feet and ankles as well as your back. Those sorts of stressors on the body can prompt baby to come earlier than expected," she pointed out.

"What do you recommend we do?" Derek asked.

"Meredith, you're not going to like what I have to say," Dr. Welch warned.

Meredith narrowed her eyes at the woman, "What is it?"

"I'm going to recommend bed rest. Nothing too strict—you can still move freely about the house, but I don't want you working anymore. You just need to stay home and rest," she informed the couple.

"That's ten weeks! I CANNOT sit around the house for TEN. WEEKS," Meredith seethed.

"I'm not saying you can never go out. Catch a movie or have dinner once a week if you'd like. Just no more working and a lot more resting," Dr. Welch stated firmly.

"But...I...this isn't fair!" Meredith exclaimed, indignant.

"Is this the only option?" Derek wondered.

"It's the safest option if you want to keep your baby inside for as long as possible," the doctor nodded.

"I'm a surgeon," Meredith tried again, "surgeons don't lie around for ten weeks at a time."

"Meredith," she sighed, "I don't take this recommendation lightly. Your career is obviously very important to you, so I wouldn't put you in this position if I did not think it was necessary."

"And if I choose to work? What do you think will happen? And be honest. I'm a doctor, I need to know," Meredith demanded.

"If you choose to continue working, I honestly believe this baby will be born within two weeks. That's two months of time she could be spending inside of Mom getting stronger," Dr. Welch answered seriously.

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