"Chapter 17"

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Meredith was on the couch polishing off the last piece of a pepperoni pizza when Derek came home from work. He couldn't help but chuckle. Despite the insane amount of food she'd eaten during her pregnancy, she was all baby. He truly wasn't sure where she was putting it.

"Hey," Meredith lit up when he when she noticed him.

"Hey yourself," he responded, leaning over to peck her lips.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Quiet. I only had one surgery," he shrugged.

"One more surgery than I had," she pointed out.

"What'd you do today?" he asked, kicking off his shoes and sitting beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I ate a lot. And I took a bath. I read a few chapters of my book, watched a Lifetime movie. The usual stuff," she shrugged.

"Well, I'm off tomorrow. Maybe I could take you out on a date," he suggested.

Meredith smiled, "I would love that."

"Then we'll go," he nodded, kissing her head.

"Body pillow," she demanded.

Derek chuckled, but maneuvered them into Meredith's favorite position without complaint.

"Where are you going to bring me?" she asked.

"Hmm, we could go to lunch at Pike Place and walk around the market a little. Maybe we'll catch a movie after," he suggested.

"That sounds wonderful," Meredith agreed.

The next morning, Meredith woke up around 9:00 AM. She was surprised to find that Derek was not next to her. She frowned. Just before she called out to him, he came into their bedroom carrying a tray.

"Good morning beautiful," Derek said before placing the tray over her lap and kissing her.

Meredith took a moment to observe its contents. There was a plate of French toast, a side of bacon, some scrambled eggs, and a glass of orange juice. She lifted the napkin off the tray and smiled at the message which was written on it in Derek's messy doctor scrawl : I love you.

The smile she rewarded him with was so wide he thought she was going to burst, "Breakfast in bed?"

He nodded, "I promised you a great day, and a great day starts with a great breakfast."

"Thank you," she told him before digging in. It didn't take long for her to eat everything. She'd asked Derek where his was, but he'd simply informed her that he had already eaten his bowl of muesli. This breakfast was, according to him, just for her.

"Do you want to join me in the shower?" she asked with a smirk as she moved the tray over to her nightstand.

"I would love to," he grinned.

After their shower, they dressed and headed out for the day. Meredith sighed happily she stood on the deck of the ferry boat, the March breeze blowing her hair in all directions. It was so nice to be out of the house.

"It's a beautiful day," Meredith sighed once again in content, letting her head fall against Derek's shoulder. She tugged on his arm, leading them away from the railing and towards the benches.

"It is," Derek agreed, "perfect for an outing."

Meredith nodded happily, "I hope Sarah gets to be born on a pretty day."

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