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Jeongguk wakes up to see that he's naked, and worse: alone, in the bed. Before yesterday, he didn't think he cared that much about you, but by the state of his broken heart, it's evident he does.

The first explanation his mind can come up with is that he did something wrong and that you've left as a consequence of that. Well, it's the only reason he can think of, so he's quick to accept it. He's done something wrong. The question is only what.

The phone on his bedside table tells him that it's seven am, and he needs to shower and get dressed if he's gonna make it to class in time. What he prioritizes, however, is the unread text from you. He's so nervous that he wouldn't be surprised if his hands start to shake. Luckily, they remain steady enough for him to read the text with his heart in his throat.

'I'm sorry, I can't do Friday. I'll still pay since I'm canceling on short notice. I need some time, and please, don't bring this up.'

If Jeongguk thought his heart was crushed before, it's nothing compared to what he feels now. When he checks his bank account, he sees that you've already transferred money for Friday, but also that you've paid three times more than usual for yesterday.


"I'm losing my mind!" Jeongguk tugs at his hair. "I made it pretty fucking clear that she can have all of me, but she doesn't want that? Even though she's paying for it?"

"So no STD? No weird kinks that she'd need to pay you to participate in?" Jimin mumbles around the striped straw that leads to his milkshake.

"No. I mean, there's no way to know for sure, but she didn't say anything, I used a condom, and she seems normal. A little introverted maybe, but I mean, so am I."

"She's not, like, married, then? Stuck in a loveless marriage and wanted something outside of that? But now having second thoughts about cheating on her spouse?"

The ring. How could he have forgotten about the fucking ring? He doesn't think you've been wearing it since the first time you met up, but he can still see the giant rock in his mind.

"I... don't know. She was wearing a big fucking diamond when I first saw her... I don't know how, but it completely slipped my mind."

"Oh. Well, have you googled?"

"Googled? If she's married?" Jeongguk questions skeptically and Jimin nods rapidly.

"I can't believe you haven't done that already."

"I didn't realize it could give me something?" He defends but reaches for his phone anyway.

Jimin puts down his tall glass on the café's table with a 'clink.'

"You know how to reverse search images to not get catfished, but you don't think to google... you're both so smart and incredibly stupid at the same time."

"Thank you," Jeongguk mumbles sarcastically as he begins to scroll through the results.

For a while, he stops breathing. There are surprisingly many results tied to your name. Link after link, it seems like most of them lead to news articles.


Jeongguk realizes he's been quiet for a while, and so he starts looking for what he initially wanted to know. And he finds it. Why didn't he think to google before?

"Doesn't seem like she's married or anything," he says, knowing he wants to keep the other information to himself.

"That only leaves one thing, then," Jimin sighs. "I hate to break it to you, buddy, but you suck in bed."

"No, I don't," Jeongguk bites back, "I made her come twice."

"She was probably faking it."

He has the memories burned deep inside his mind, it's what he thinks about every night since it happened. And every time he showers. It's been a week, and even though he's sad and disappointed, he can't help but stroke himself to the memory of you as he makes you come. The moans of his name, the arched back, the way you pulsed around him, it's not something you can fake.

"No, she couldn't have been," he mutters, hiding his face in his hands.

"You really like her, don't you? Like really like her?" Jimin asks, and this time, his voice is much softer.

There's nothing else Jeongguk can say. He's recently come to the same undeniable conclusion. "Yeah."

"You know what? Invite her on Saturday. Take your dad's truck."

Jeongguk sighs and wishes he could be as hopeful as Jimin looks. But he's not. It was a struggle to get you to even visit his apartment.

"She won't come."

"Just ask her, Jeongguk. Maybe you'll be surprised. And I really want to meet her, maybe I can figure her out?"


And surprised he is. Just like that, you accept his texted offer of tagging along and meeting some of his friends. He's excited, but so, so nervous to meet you again since you left his bed without a word.

Whatever he did wrong isn't so severe that you never want to see him again, and for that, he is relieved.

When Saturday rolls around, Jeongguk has done quite a bit of thinking.

You're not married, which still begs the question of why you ran after spending the night with him. He begrudgingly realizes that maybe Jimin was right, and he might have to consider the possibility that he doesn't live up to expectations in bed. Or it's worse than that. There's always the risk that you don't feel the same as he does, perhaps you've even realized his feelings for you, and maybe he's too much. He doesn't want to think about that.

What's more important is what he found out from googling you. It was true, what you said you did for a living, and the reason behind your wealth. It just wasn't the entire truth. Not only do you work at what had started as your father's company, you run it. Because he's dead. Your mother and your two siblings too. Apparently, they all died in a horrendous car accident a few years ago, leaving only you behind.

Jimin knew almost as much about you as Jeongguk did, with a few exceptions. Your family being one of them. It just didn't feel right to tell him. Jeongguk doesn't think he'll bring it up with you, either. If a day comes when you'll talk about it, it's because you'd bring it up. Unless he strays from the plan.


Due to some errands you claimed you had to run, you said you'd meet him at his place. Jeongguk wonders what your home looks like, if it's a giant mansion or a futuristically designed apartment. God knows where he'd live if he had that kind of money.

It's just one of the things he wonders about when his doorbell rings. He rushes to open the door, and there you are.

Just like he asked, you're dressed appropriately for being outside for a while, and you're empty-handed. Jeongguk has put together a little picnic of sandwiches and snacks to surprise you with later and, therefore, requested you not to bring anything. You argued that you didn't want to inconvenience his friends, whatever that meant, but ultimately, you accepted.

"Hi," you greet, appearing a little nervous too.

"Hi," he echoes but can't stop the smile that tugs on his lips. He can't deny that he's happy to see you again. "Lemme just grab my jacket, and we'll go."

The drive takes fifteen minutes of small talk, initially a little awkward, but soon flowing more naturally. Jeongguk promised to not bring up that you slept together, and he upholds that promise.


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