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"Elizabella Nicole Gray, get your ass out of that bed now!" says my mother in her usual 7 a.m. hostile tone. Today would mark August 15th (aka first day of the new school year), also marking my first day as a junior at Carnigy High School. Being August 15th, it also means today is my 16th birthday. It's not really that I hate school, but it would be an overstatement and complete hyperbole by saying i love it. I only have like three real friends. And one of them are my boyfriend if that really even counts.

I heard a car horn honk outside, confirming that my ride was here. I finally get to take my driving test today, which means I won't have to rely on people to give me rides to school. Thus easing my guilt. I threw off my thick covers and took the stairs two at a time. I busted out the door screaming and running at my best friend Aly. Alyana Trishman : aka my best friend since kindergarten. She has average height, auburn hair, and icy blue eyes that seem to slice through you. She's also really loud. Hence her voicing carrying along with mine, down the street and throughout the woods behind my house. Aly and I have always been two peas in a pod. We act so similar you'd think we came from the same womb. No we don't look anything alike though. I'm ranging on 5'11, almost-black-but-not-quite-there headed, and I have light grey eyes. I'm a bit more cynical and unwelcoming than Aly though.

We both laughed and entered back into my house. My house is three stories; a basement, first floor, then second floor. My room was on the top floor, along with my bathroom, and my sister's old room. My mother's room was on the ground-floor in the hallway along with a entertainment room, and bathroom. Outside of the hallway is the kitchen, dining room, living room, and utility room. In the basement is all my dad's things he left behind. It was safe to say we have a really nice house. It was passed along from generations before us. Just a little remodeling.

We ran up the stairs still laughing and catching up when my mother comes out of her room to chastise us about how loud we are. We're not usually all this loud, but we haven't seen each other in a fair month. My mother thought summer camp would be good for me. I personally think it was her 'get out of watching your child free-card' .

My mother has been a bit uneasy about, well, everything for the past year and a half. A year and a half; that's how long it's been since my sister, Calling, and my father died. It was a late January night and a snow storm was rolling in. My dad took Calling to go to the store with him to buy my mother some flowers for her birthday. They crashed coming back, where a car drove them into a tree, and kept driving, leaving them to die. My mother took it really rough and went on lock-down. She wouldn't speak or come out of her room for a whole two months. Well, with an exception of their funerals. I just pushed my emotions aside, that's what I do best. My mother on the other hand had and has no problem expressing her anger, especially toward me.

You know how some families have that child vs. parent war thing going on? Well that's my mother and I. To say we don't get along would be an understatement. Maybe even of the year. But what could I say? The feeling was quite mutual. But i don't have room for hatred.

Aly helped me sort through my closet to find an outfit, when we settled on dark wash skinny's, my maroon tank, black cardigan, and combat boots. I applied my usual dose of makeup (eyeliner, only a bit, and mascara, only a lot). I straightened my frizzy hair, though I know by the end of the day it will flow into waves, put on my late sister's blue chain, and began walking down the stairs.

"Did you accidentally open her door?" I questioned, noticing Calling's door cracked. Aly shook her head no and i closed her door, waiting a moment before continuing down the hall then downstairs. I grab my backpack and out the door we go. Aly turned her radio up and we sang off key to 'Sail' by Awolnation on the way to school.

We arrived in Aly's 2010 white Pontiac g6. It was a nice little present from her parents, three years ago. They said she could have it only if she swore to stay a virgin until marriage. We both found it funny, Aly rejected only like EVERY guy at our school.

We walked up the sidewalk past the foyer, about to walk into the courtyard, when my eyes landed on Natelly Heights (aka the sluttiest girl at this school, and the most accomplished pain in my ass since 6th grade) groping Jesse Jackson (aka my boyfriend of almost two years, soon to be ex boyfriend) and he was returning the deed.

I could see Aly gaping out of my peripheral vision. It was then that I noticed i was showing the same image to the world.

"That...Little...SKANK!" Aly exclaimed with a scolding tone, oh-so ready to chastise the minky blonde she-devil whore, who proved yet again to be hell on heels, and a pain in my ass. If we have a score board holding wins and loses, it would be 84-0, and I wouldn't be coming out on top.

We continued to watch them, my hands folded over my chest, not a smile to be seen. It didn't only hurt because he was my boyfriend, but before that, we had been friends since 5th grade. When my father and sister passed, he was there to pull me out of that dark whole. Aly was there too, but I sheilded my feelings around her. She had enough going on. Her parents were in the middle of a divorce, and with her father disowning her for telling her mother about the afair her father had going on. She had enough to deal with.

"What's up with your eyes?" Aly said looking worryful of my demeanor. I took out my iPod touch and flipped the camera on to see what she was talking about. My eyes were glowing an eary gold color. My eyes had never done that before...ever. Calling's used to do that, and sometimes my dad's. Honestly neither of my parents had grey eyes. So I was kind of taken off gaurd knowing I finally inherited something from my dad. I looked at Aly shrugged, and sighed.

Jesse finally took his eyes away from her boobs long enough to see Aly and I. He started walking toward us. "Let's go," I managed to choke out in a hoarse voice, sounding only slightly more together than I'd expected. We walked into Algebra 2, and took our seats. Not too long after we did, Jesse walked in as he has agebra 2 in the morning with us. He gave me his famous 'forgive me' look, then I shot back my oh-so famous 'Hell No!' look.

I put all I had into answering the equation on the board, trying to avoid looking at Jesse.Next thing I know a note comes from the left then another from the right. I read the one I assumed as Aly's first.

Has he said anything about it?! He's suck a pig >.< I did a double take at her then stared at the other long and hard for a good 45 seconds before taking the other one. It was a mistake, I swear it meant nothing! I narrowed my eyes and felt my lips tighten. Which part? About loving me and not wanting anyone else? Oh wait, no your reffering to the groping of that succubus in pink?! And I highly doubt thats all that happened or even the first time. Im not stupid and I refuse to be humiliated like this. It's over. I slung it at his face then continued my work. That was enough of an answer for Aly. She got it. I looked at my iPod for notifications, none whatsoever. But I did notice my eyes. Still glowing, still radiating my demeanor.


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Whoop!(: (:

A/N Can't wait until the next chapter, hope you guys like It so far. Love, love, love y'all <3

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