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A/N: I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in like a week!): ill post the next chapter after this one extra soon. promise! Love you guys!(: Here you go...


I walk home leaving the horrid scenery. A few times I had to stop from anxiety attacks that bubbled their way to the surface every now and again. When I finally reached my door, I stopped.

This house didn't feel the way it usually did. It felt foreign. I couldn't help but to fall to the steps and weep. I say there for what felt like an eternity, but was only a few minutes, then got to my feet and walked in.

I turned on the light in the living room and slung my jacket to the couch, still soaked from the storm. I then jumped at the sound of a throat clearing. Turning, still startled I saw my mothers face, she had her arms crossed over her chest and her face spelled pissed with emphasis on the p.

"Geesh! You scared the-well you scared me," I said catching myself. I was still holding my hand I my chest above me heart.

"Where the hell have you been?!" She yelled "I was worried sick about you!"

"That's a first..." I mumbled. She narrowed her eyes and glared at me. I pushed past her, heading to my room but she grabbed my wrist, making me turn to look at her.

"Have you seen the news? A boy at your school was killed...KILLED!" She croaked out. I then remembered Ethan's poor face looking doe against the locker wall.

My mother must have noticed. "He was your friend, wasn't he....?" I simply nodded my head. I couldn't look at her anymore. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. I looked down at the floor.

"Yeah," I croaked out. I sounded way less steady than I wished. It was then that I tried to regain myself. My mother quickly recovered herself from being selfless and sympathetic to the normal.

"Go to your room now." I began to turn and walk then she said, "I got a call from school today," what the hell was she talking about? "You didn't show for your driving test?" She said cynically. Shit. With all that's happened today, I'd forgotten. I dropped my head in defeat and carried on to my room.

"Happy fucking birthday, eh? " I spoke aloud when my door was shut. I stripped to my bra and panties, then drifted off.


I opened my eyes, sat up slightly and looked at the time. 3:28 a.m. I made an aggravated 'uhgg' sound and flopped back down onto my pillows.

I stared at the ceiling for a moment. It was then that a figure caught my eye. I sat up fast and saw who it was.

She was in the corner of my room. She stood there in a drenched coat. You could see blood splotches here and there all over her clothes. Her hair was a dark, stringy mess. Strands of hair sticking out of place. Her eyes were the color of an eclipsed suns shadowing glow. But even looking like a homicidal wreck, she was beautiful.

"Calling," I whispered softly. I could feel the tears burning the back of my eyes, threatening to drown me if I dared to captivate them any longer. My throat stung from the anxiety tearing at it. She flenched at the sound of her name being called.

Her expression went from monstrous and hatred to love and understanding. For a moment I saw the sister I looked up to. She began to walk towards me, then after a couple steps, she stopped. Her face changed and her eyes radiated. I jumped to hug her, despite how afraid of her I was right now, but she bolted before I could catch her.

I ran out my bedroom door to look for her. I skipped the stairs, taking two at a time. I looked everywhere. Feeling utter defeat and disappointment in myself, I began back upstairs. I started down the hallway nearly passing her bedroom door. I noticed something off. It was slightly opened.

I walked in to find an empty bedroom. I almost walked out before seeing that her window was open.

The curtains swayed from the nightly winds. I walked to them, and looked out her window. No one in the yard. I looked down the street and saw her talking to a guy in a black car. I couldn't see who the man was. My father maybe?

I ran downstairs and out the front door, but Calling, the man, and the black car were gone. I then noticed I was declothed still; I ran back into the house and to my room. When I was in my room I shut and locked my door.

I slid my back against the door ultimately falling to the floor. I brought my knees to my chest and cried into them.

I felt something wet under me. Calling tracked water through my bedroom and my wooden floors were now soaked.

I checked the clock. 3:37 a.m. I layed my head against my knees again and cried myself back to sleep.


I woke up again. It was still dark out, which meant it had to be before 5 a.m. I looked over at my clock and suddenly couldn't breathe.

3:28 a.m.


A/N : Cliffhanger! Dun dun dun!

Haha ill upload the next part real soon guys. I love y'all!




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