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How and why did women try to win the vote

Women were once portrayed as too incapable with handling and learning politics.

Quite a lot of women during the late 1890's wanted suffrage. (The right to vote).

Their were many ways in which women had achieved Greater equality than men such as:

The roles that women played: Cooking, being a house wife and cleaning,

Allowed divorce,

Allowed inheritance,

Custody of children,

Compulsory education up to the age of 12,

New careers.

But their were many ways in which women were treated as second class citizens for example:

Low working hours were allowed,

Not allowed to graduate from university, but they were allowed to study there.

Women were not allowed to be employed 4 weeks after having a baby.

They were the inferior in the marriage.

Banned from working in most professions.

Women were banned from the vote even though they had to abide by the rules of the government and pay taxes.

There were many reasons why the women of that time should get the right to suffrage such as:

Women pay taxes the same as men.

Uneducated men could vote (As long as they owned a property)

People thought women should have an influence in how the country is run.

Increased opportunities,

Women had the same responsibilities as the men.

They were trusted enough to vote for a local MP.

Shows christian leadership.

The Parliament has an effect on both genders.

Women and men are equal before God.

Other countries had given women the vote.

There were many reasons why the women of that time should not get the right to suffrage such as:

Women had different responsibilities,

Women were called pure and they shouldn't be handling with 'grubby' politics.

Women don't fight the wars for England.

By giving women the vote it would include giving the vote to criminals.

Many people believed that it would turn women heartless.

People also believed that women had little interest in laws to help working class people.

Many people believed that women were also too emotional to cope with the 'stress' of politics.

By giving women the vote means that women would neglect their duties.

There were larger concerns at the time,

Women can also vote in the local government elections.

Many women didn't want the vote.

At this time 60% of men couldn't vote because they didn't own a property.


National union of womens suffrage societies.

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