Chapter 4 - Settling In at Union

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Robert: hey = talking

Robert: (happy) = tone of voice

Robert: *moving* = action

Third Person POV

The scene opens with an aerial view of what appears to be an airport of some sort. There are a few planes and bulkheads scattered throughout the landing pads and a few employees walking around while moving luggage to and from the bulkheads. The main building of the airport has multiple glass tinted windows and a logo that says, "Union University's Airlines." The camera focuses on a single bulkhead that is currently landing on one of the empty landing pads. On the landing pad is Professor Ozpin, Sirzechs, and one of the other headmasters. The newly introduced headmaster is a middle aged man with blue eyes and black hair with matching beard wearing a white military uniform. The bulkhead lands and when the doors open, Robert Cloak makes his way out of the bulkhead. Robert is wearing a Tom Clancy's Division 2 t-shirt with jeans and black shoes. Robert walks out of the bulkhead as some of the airport's employees enter the bulkhead to get Robert's luggage.

Sirzechs: Glad you could make it, Robert. How was the flight?

Robert: Boring to say the least. I had to wait for everything to get loaded before I could even board the bulkhead which was about an hour wait.

Ozpin: What exactly did you bring with you?

Robert: The customized couch that I made for Deathwing, two 4K TVs with my gaming systems as well as a few arcade systems and other gaming things, a projector with a few films, my computer system, all of my instruments that I play for my songs, and anything else that I needed.

???: You are Deathwing's wielder?

Robert: *looks at ???* I am. My name is Robert Cloak, and you are?

 My name is Robert Cloak, and you are?

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James Ironwood

Ironwood: I am James Ironwood, one of the headmasters of Union University.

Robert: I heard about you, Mr. Ironwood. You used to be in charge of the huntsmen academy in Atlas before Union formed. It is an honor to meet you.

Ironwood: The honor is mine, Mr. Cloak.

Robert: *looks at Sirzechs* Where will I be staying?

Sirzechs: There is a section of dorms that is off limits to other students, and we placed you in that dorm as part of your requirements. *gives Robert a map of the dorm building* Here is a map of the dorm building with your dorm marked for reference.

Robert POV

I take the map from Sirzechs and look at it.

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