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Jimin was blind but he could feel every single movement. It was almost as good as seeing. With his stick in one hand and Taehyung holding on to the other, Jimin led him to all the places he knew. He knew all the paths at the back of his mind and whenever he heard Taehyung excited voice, he smiled.

"Wow! Jimin this place is amazing!" Taehyung said as they stood on top of a cliff overlooking the mountain.

"It's beautiful? Describe to me how it looks"

Taehyung spoke. "Magnificent. The sky looks a bit pink. The trees are so green. There are a lot of birds in the sky. Many of them keep perching on the mountains"

Jimin was excited. He liked the way Taehyung was describing the scenery to him.

"Really? Tell me more. What other beautiful things do you see?" he said and giggled.

Taehyung looked around not seeing anything worth describing to Jimin when his gaze suddenly landed on the other. His eyes casually roamed his face, then fixed on his small hands that were gripping tightly onto his cane. Jimin didn't know but there was a tiny butterfly flying around him. Taehyung froze for a moment taking in the wondrous sight of Jimin who  tightened his hold on his cane.

He felt uncomfortable by the sudden silence.

"Um... Taehyung are you there?"

He laughed nervously. "Why aren't you speaking? You became silent all of a sudden"

"Sorry... Sorry!" Taehyung muttered blinking his eyes repeatedly out of embarrassment. "I just saw something that took my breath away" He said.

"Really? Tell me. What's that?"

Taehyung was silent for a while before he spoke

"It's a really fascinating creature. Fair, really beautiful. It's the most beautiful thing in this entire mountain"

Jimin blushed. "Why does it sound as if you're describing a human?"

Taehyung was lost in the other for a while that he didn't even hear what he said.

"Um... what did you say?"

Jimin shook his head. "You were probably too immersed in the beautiful scenery"

"I was" Taehyung whispered. Jimin giggled and the other felt something stirring within him for the first time in a long time. That was the moment Taehyung could say he fell in love with Jimin the blind boy on top of that mountain under a pink sky. The butterfly finally flew away and Taehyung spoke.

"I think I've seen enough" He muttered clearing his throat nervously. Then he claimed Jimin's hand and held it within his, stroking it lightly.

"Do you have any other places you would like to show me?"

Jimin was highly aware of Taehyung's hand holding onto his but he tried to distract himself with other thoughts.

"Sure. I know other places" He said and he took him to those places.

They lost track of time, totally forgetting that they were supposed to be back to the inn on time. They were sitting in front of a waterfall eating snacks when Jimin remembered he left the inn unattended.

"Oh No Taehyung, we have to go back" He cried.

Taehyung puckered up"Sorry about this Jimin. I was having so much fun, I totally forgot"

He looked around their vicinity trying to calculate the distance from where they were to the inn. This place was a small town. There were hardly any cars around. Taehyung figured they would have to trek all the way back home.

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