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Jimin quickly worked on a new sculpture for Mr. Joon and at the appointed time, he finally came for it.

"Wonderful!" He whispered under his breath staring at the figurehead sculpture. He looked at Jimin in awe. They were both standing together in the middle of the backyard.

"Imagine what you can do if you have your sight restored..."

"Just imagine the possibilities," Namjoon said.

Jimin smiled. "I'm glad you like it"

He paused. "Does this mean my debt is cleared? You won't bother me anymore?"

Namjoon smirked. "Well yes...but"

Jimin's breath hitched as Namjoon got closer whispering under his breath.

"I have something else in mind. I could help know. I can make you bigger"

"Someone with your talents shouldn't be stuck here in this god-forsaken place, in this godforsaken house. I can turn your life around"

He grinned "Most of all, I have the means to help you restore your sight"

Jimin sighed and smiled "Thanks a lot but I'm guessing I have to give you something in return"

Namjoon was quiet. Jimin didn't hear him move. The next thing he knew, the mafia boss was so close to him placing a hand under his chin and lifting his head to look properly into his unseeing eyes.

"Of course I want something. Have you ever heard of a free lunch?"

Jimin froze as Namjoon began to run his fingertips across his chin slowly.

"The minute I set my eyes on you,  I fell for you"

He smirked. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?"

Jimin slapped his hands away scowling hard and Namjoon laughed.

"Fine. It's good that you don't give in too easily. I hate it when I don't work  for my meals"

Jimin scoffed. "Don't waste your energy. I can never be with you"

Namjoon laughed again "Oh, is it because of your lover boy? The one who left you. The one who you made a figurehead sculpture out of"

Jimin was quiet and Namjoon just nodded knowingly.

"You don't even need to say anything. I can tell it's a one-sided love"

He sighed. "Why would you waste your time on someone who doesn't care about you when you have one that does right here beside you"

"One who is extremely rich and ready to supply all your needs"

Jimin scoffed. "Yeah, you sound like a playboy. I'm sure you have countless concubines and lovers that you tell those cheesy pickup lines to"

Namjoon smirked. "Correct but I'll make you my number one. You will sit beside me on my throne and I will shower you with so much love and wealth"

Jimin rolled his eyes out of boredom but Namjoon continued, undeterred.

"Unlike all those other useless ones, you are more useful"

Jimin spoke "In other words, you are only interested in me because of the money I can bring you"

He sighed. "Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not interested in money or you"

"I'm satisfied with my life just the way it is. I don't need any extra drama"

Namjoon stared at him in disbelief.

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