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Jimin's eyes fluttered open slowly as he emerged from a deep sleep. For a moment, he was disoriented, unsure of where he was. As his vision came into focus, he realized he was lying in an ornately decorated bedroom with polished wooden furnishings and lush velvet curtains. This was certainly not his modestly lavish apartment.

"Where...where am I?" he murmured, sitting up in the plush king-sized bed. 

The events of the previous day started coming back to him in disjointed pieces. He remembered getting the call to restore several sculptures. But how did he end up spending the night here?

A knock on the door jarred Jimin from his thoughts. An impeccably dressed man with silver hair entered the room.

"Good morning, sir. Mr Kim invites you to join him for breakfast on the veranda. Please freshen up and come down when you are ready."

Now he remembered everything that transpired yesterday. Jimin rubbed his eyes, still gathering his bearings. 

"Breakfast? With Mr. Kim?"

"Yes, he would like to discuss the details of your work restoring the sculptures across the estate," Yoongi explained.

"Oh...uh, of course," Jimin stammered, surprised but intrigued by the sudden invitation. He washed up quickly and followed Yoongi down the grand staircase to the sunny veranda overlooking the sprawling gardens. Taehyung was already seated at the table, an impressive spread of food before him.

"Jimin, so glad you could join me," Taehyung greeted warmly as Jimin took the seat opposite him.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Kim," Jimin replied politely, pouring himself a cup of tea with slightly unsteady hands. As he snuck a glance at the chiseled features of the young mogul before him, an uncanny feeling washed over him. Where had he heard that mellifluous voice before? There was something naggingly familiar about it.

Taehyung noticed Jimin's unease. "Is the jasmine tea not to your taste? I can ask Yoongi to brew something else."

"No, no, it's perfect," Jimin said quickly. "Forgive me, this all just feels very...unexpected."

Taehyung let out an understanding chuckle. "I imagine it must. I gathered from your proposal that you are used to working alone in your studio. And instead you've woken up in a veritable stranger's home."

Jimin flushed, embarrassed at his own transparency. "I appreciate the hospitality, Mr. Kim. This is just not a situation I ever envisioned myself in."

"Please, call me Taehyung," the billionaire insisted gently. "And it is I who should be thanking you. I have seen your work and they indeed caught my eye. Every artist needs a patron, and I would like to be that supporter for you. Instead of that current partner of yours."

Jimin stiffened, a nagging doubt pulling at the corners of his mind.

"Forgive my curiosity, sir…Taehyung," he corrected himself. "But how do you know so much about my previous projects? And about..." he hesitated, almost scared to voice it, "...about my complicated personal situation?"

Taehyung's expression turned grave, his golden eyes glinting with intensity. "I make it my business to know the full stories of those who work for me. Your talent was obvious from your past restorations. As for the rest..." He paused, as if choosing his next words carefully. "Let's just say that controlling partner of yours has made some dangerous enemies."

Jimin's breath caught at the ominous words. Somehow Taehyung knew about his toxic relationship with the manipulative Namjoon, even though Jimin had never divulged that information to anyone. A prickle of fear ran down his neck. Just who was this man?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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