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The atmosphere was filled with a heavy smell, pungent one that could leave people reeling but the perpetrator didn't care puffing the smoke into the air in quick sucession.

"Damn it!" A loud curse bellowed.

"Sir...Take it easy. You're going to regret this if the master returns to see you in this state"

Jin sighed not caring a bit about the warning. He took another swing of the alcohol until.

"I can't stand it anymore. I must get rid of him. No matter what happens. No matter what it takes." he cried, his eyes were red and wet with tears.

"I thought it was something that would fade, I thought he would grow out of it but no! He keeps hanging around that little whore!"

"Tell me Jaehyun. Is he in anyway better than me? Just look at me. Take a good look me. How can he ignore me for that dwarfish boy"

The said Jaehyun shook his head quickly. "No sir Jin. You're the most beautiful of all Master Namjoon's concubines. There's no way he has forgotten that"

Then he bit his lips

"I just think he's with that man because he has something to give him"

Jin arched an eyebrow. "What is that?"

"Money! You know he's a famous sculptor. There were rumors before now that he used to be blind and it was Master Namjoon who paid for his surgery. He has been sticking close to him so he could collect all his money"

Jin scoffed. "But it's been five years. Hasn't he collected it already? That man is rich. He must have paid him what he owed by now"

Jaehyun was quiet not wanting to unknowingly offend his boss.

"I must think of a way to get rid of Park Jimin. Once and for all"
Jin lit a cigarette and blew out a large puff already imagining in his mind what he would do to his enemy. 

Park Jimin looked out the large window hearing the sound of the moving cars passing the street. Although he could now see as clearly as day, his senses were still as heightened as it was since the time he was blind. The gentle snoring beside him reawakened his senses reminding him that he was still naked so he gathered the sheet to himself and started to leave the bed when a hand struck out and held him.

"Where do you thinking you're going? Come back to bed"

"I'm tired. I rested enough" Jimin murmured but the grip on his arm remained tighter.

"I said come back to bed! Don't be stubborn again " The other man drew out glaring at him. Jimin stared back at Namjoon. It had been quite a while since the two of them became lovers but even after this whole time, he still found him repulsive. He shoved his hand away.

"I want to wash up"

But Namjoon still wouldn't let go.

"Those eyes. Why do you still look at me with those damned eyes!" he suddenly screamed causing Jimin to jerk but he dared not show any weakness. Namjoon leaned forward placing his face  right in front of Jimin's.

"Are you judging me? Are you accusing me?"

Jimin sighed. He was in no mood to deal with Namjoon's changing behaviors. He successfully managed to shove Namjoon's hands away.

"Relax. You probably need a drink"

He finally got up, the blanket wrapped around him. He started making his way to the drawer and leaving

"It's been seven years. Can't you open your heart to me now?"

"Never" came Jimin's smooth reply. Namjoon scoffed to himself harshly.

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