3. Rises The Moon

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A/n: Hi guys! So just a quick note, Moon is NOT a sadist, they're just a chill robot tryna help kids get some sleep. They can get a bit feisty, but no murderous intent. They do however get a bad wrap, and most of the past employees left because of that. I just don't like when people make him so mean to the fact that he's capable of k!lling Y/n. He's fine, but he's still grumpy ol' Moon, so he's not...exactly nice per sē. He's still pretty much Sunny's opposite, don't worry! (Or I could be just saying this to make you THINK he's not all that bad...guess you'll have to find out!) Anyways hope you guys enjoy!!

My eyes widened in shock. "Ayo, you're supposed to be helping kids get to sleep, aren't you? Instead trying to do...what ever you are to me."

The animatronic gave me a confused look. "So...you don't want a break from loud children? I can take it from here. I was going to give you a break, idiot." He paused, giving my phrase more thought. "What did you think I meant? So naughty..." he muttered with a teasing glint in his eyes. He sauntered off, coaxing the children out of hiding (turns out they were just scared of the dark) and helping them get themselves comfy enough to drift off to sleep.

Once finished, Moon walked back over to where I was, leaning up against the security desk with a content sigh. His glowing eyes scanned the large room, silently monitoring the children and making sure they were all sleeping soundly before turning his head to me.

"So I take it you're new? I'm not exactly used to seeing the same face in your position more than once." He finished in an ominous tone, staring me down with his glowing red eyes. What he said confused me a bit, but it seemed like a sensitive topic so decided to not bring it up.

I nodded. "Yup, today's my first day. I'm Y/n, by the way. I take it you're Moon?" I asked them, who had begun to tidy things up on top of the security desk absentmindedly.

"Correct. Nice to meet you Y/n. It's nice to put a name to the face that Sun spoke so fondly about."

I furrowed my eyebrows on confusion again. "Wait, aren't you guys like...the same animatronic? Is that possible? Him speaking to you, I mean."

Moon nodded, the bell on his nightcap jingling along with his movement. "If he is active, yes. Sometimes we are conscious while the other is active, but other times we are resting. I am unsure if Sunny is conscious right now, but normally he and I talk through small wavelengths that are encrypted into our programming." Moon had finished his long and complicated explanation that I didn't understand a word of, so I just took that as a yes.

"Moon...I don't mean to pry, but...when you said you didn't normally see the same employee more than once, what did you mean? Do the guards rotate that frequently, or?" I finally asked, the curiosity eating me alive.

He stopped organizing some sticky notes by color and turned his whole body toward me attentively. This seemed important.

They let out what seemed like a small sigh, fumbling with a pen he'd found on the desk. "Well it might be so hard for you to believe, but people generally...don't like me as much as Sunny. I suppose it's our programming, but he's just more likeable than me. It's not his fault by any means and I'm not mad at them for it, I just wish that I didn't leave people instantly running away or quitting after seeing me. The children are the only ones who I feel love Sun and I equally, which is nice since we're around them all day. Anyways you're probably going to quit too, so–"

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his skinny torso, enveloping the animatronic's figure in a hug. I could hear his inner workings whirring quietly, each doing it's own part to keep Moon and Sun functional. Moon hesitated for a moment before wrapping their arms around me, reciprocating the hug.

"What is this for? You really don't have to." He said, genuinely confused.
"You looked like you could use a hug. My mom gives me hugs when I'm stressed or troubled about something. It seems to help a lot of people just fine, so I figured it could for you too." I said simply.

We finally pulled away from each other and I craned my head slightly to meet Moon's brilliant red eyes. I gave them my best smile, another genuine one. Damn, what was with all these super happy bursts of feeling? Normally I just felt numb and dead inside. This new feeling was...kind of nice.

"Thank you, Y/n. I think I did need that hug. It felt nice."

I nodded, feeling achieved. "Of course! And if you ever need another one, well...you know where to find me." I replied, reaching up to pat Moon's forehead.

Just then, a quiet alarm on my phone went off, signaling that nap time was officially over. "Well...it was nice to finally meet you, Moon. I don't know what Sunny was all worked up over, you seem pretty chill. I'll see you later I guess!" I voiced in a chipper tone.

I swore I heard Moon mutter something under their breath, but I must've been mistaken.

I turned the lights back on. "Oh, so NOW the power works, huh? Someone must've finally turned on the generators."  I thought to myself as I heard a worried gasp just as a pair of arms snaked around me and turned me around, looking me over.

"Y/N!! Are you okay?! He didn't hurt you, did he?" Sunny was back, and was currently about to have an anxiety attack. I started to softly pat his head in an urge to calm him down as I did with Moon. Luckily it worked, and I finally got Sun to calm down enough to allow me to speak.

"Sunny, I'm fine! See? No cuts, no bruises, no scrapes, no broken bones. Moon didn't even lay a finger on me...well until I gave him a hug. Why are you afraid of him?" I asked, confused.

"It's not that I'm afraid of him, Y/n! It's just that...Moon isn't always the most delicate in the world and even if he doesn't realize it, he can be super duper troublesome. A lot of other people who worked here left because of Moon. Obviously I'm not saying I'm you should leave I just want you to be careful! I don't want you getting hurt, okay?" He finished his rant, cocking his head to the side as if to compliment his question. I nodded in agreement, taking Sunny's words into account.  This seemed so...off.

I didn't know what was happening but I was going to figure it out. Something is wrong with this picture and I can't seem to put my finger on it. But I can focus on that later, right now it's time to go entertain some kids.

What a naughty and interesting human...

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