6. Both

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A/n: Hey everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated recently, I've been trying to get the hang of my new classes for this semester. I'm mostly caught up and I had some free time, so I figured I'd give y'all a lil update^^ it won't be as long as the previous chapter, but it will definitely move the story along a bit. Hope you all enjoy!!


It's been about a month since the incident with Vanny. I haven't seen or heard anything about the murderous rabbit-woman since then. It was almost too good to be true. She seemed like she wanted to hurt me, so she couldn't have just given up that easily, right? It was definitely a rattling experience.

Sunny has been determined to keep the lights on, expecting the kids to take a nap in broad daylight. Instead, I decided to clear out one of the party rooms and make a place for the kids to take a nap. All the doors had windows, so it would be easy for Sunny to still check in on them without being exposed to the dark.

I had tried my best to convince him that everything would be ok if the lights shut off. I was sure Moon would be okay since Vanny wasn't currently around to give him orders. That's how it worked, right? Besides, I really liked Moon. When he wasn't trying to squeeze the living daylights out of me. I think deep down, he's good. He just has a bad reputation.

There was a part of me wanting to test that theory. I merely sighed as I looked at the sign of rules just above the security desk while I swept the floor. There were rules like "Be kind to others!" and "Always share!" and then there was the rule scribbled in red sharpie. Sunny had insisted it be added, and when I tried to tell them that was going too far, he grabbed a piece of paper and decided to do it himself.

"  KEEP THE LIGHTS ON!! >:(  "

He had taped it onto the sign below the other rules, declaring I kept it up there or I'd earn myself a time-out. I wasn't frightened by his threat by any means, I just decided that I wanted him to stay in a positive (and less anxious) mood.

"Sunny," I called out to him once all the children had left for the day. "Yes Sunshine? What is it?" he asked cheerfully, prodding over towards me. "Don't you think it would be a good idea to at least give Moon a chance? I know, you really don't want to risk it. And I understand that, but I think that it would be a good idea to at least try."

The spikes that surrounded his faceplate retracted a little at the idea before springing back out. I noticed that this happened when they were anxious or overly excited. I heard tidbits of his machinery whirring, processing what I had said. I knew he heard me and they knew what I said, but this happened every time I tried to ask about it. Sunny would instantly freeze up,  as if he were weighing the options in his mind.

A noise that sounded similar to an exasperated sigh came out of him. "Y/n, you and I both know that every rule that either the staff or myself establish here is to keep everyone safe...and happy! I don't like to see frowns in the daycare, and well...Moon just...makes it harder for everyone to keep smiling!" he replied. It was a different response this time, but similar to the ones he'd given me before.

"And by everyone you mean yourself, right? Because well...some of the kids have asked about Moon. Some of them care about him too, Sunny. I personally care about both of you, and not just because it's my job. Over this past month I've really gotten to know you better. Moon obviously not as much, but that doesn't mean I like him any less. You're both my favorite, and..I don't want you to be divided like this. You were created to make people happy. Both of you were. And since your body was created for both, it's not fair to only have one."

I had been thinking this through for weeks. I was going to try and get him to let me reason with Moon if only for a few minutes. If anything, I wanted to have enough time to maybe even try to fix the bug in his programming.

Sun was silent for a moment, the only sign that they weren't powered down being the soft jingle of the bells when they fidgeted with their wrists.

"I...I'm g-/,.//,gonna go cl/,l/clean something..." they glitched out, filing off and out of my sight.

I couldn't tell if I had made them mad. Had I? Had something I said really affected them that much?

I heard jingling come from overhead and I immediately knew where Sunny had gone off to. I personally didn't know how to get up to his balcony, but I knew there was a backroom there too and that was where he stayed after hours. I let out a small sigh, deciding to give the (for some reason emotional) animatronic some space.

I was about to walk off and away to finish sweeping until I saw something blur through the slide and directly into the ball pit. Who or what ever it was made quite a splash, which must've alerted Sunny. He came twirling out of his room and onto the balcony before diving into the ball pit.

I moved a bit closer to investigate and was able to make out what looked like a little boy (who didn't look a day over twelve) with messy brown hair. He waded through the ball pit before he was startled by Sunny, who proceeded to lift him up and out of the pit.

"Helloooo new friend! You're sure up late, are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends...?"

I supposed Sunny could keep the little guy distracted while I reported a kid to security. He was here past hours after all, and it was part of my job. I headed over to the security desk and was about to call the main security office when suddenly I heard a loud noise and saw the little boy running over to me and behind the security desk, panting.

He looked up at me and flinched slightly when he saw I had the phone in my hand. "No! Please don't call security! One of them is trying to get me! Please..." he pleaded. He looked genuinely scared. I decided that my first priority was to calm the little guy down and worry about calling in the situation later. I put the phone down and knelt to his level.

"Alright, I won't say anything, I promise. You're safe in here, bud. What's your name?" I asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"I'm...Gregory..." he introduced nervously. He still looked a bit frightened.

"Nice to meet you Gregory, I'm Y/n. And...if you're worried about Sunny, don't be. He's one of the nicest animatronics I've ever met. He wouldn't hurt a fly." I said reassuringly, patting Gregory's shoulder. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

I looked around, puzzled. Speaking of Sunny, where'd he go?

"New friend, this...this area is off-limits! You're gonna get us in trouble..." I heard a nervous voice sound from behind me. Sunny was towering over the both of us, keeping his distance from the entrance behind the desk. I turned completely away from Gregory and looked up at Sunny. "Sunny, don't worry. This is Gregory, and he's just lost, I think. He's not gonna hurt anythi-"

The lights shut off.

I whipped my head around to look at Gregory, who was holding a security card in his hand. His eyes were wide, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"No, NO! WHY would you do THAT?! Lights on, LIGHTS ON! I warned YOU, I WARNED YOU!!"

Sunny fell over behind the desk, letting out sounds of pain. Just the sound of it made my eyebrows thread together in worry. I knew what was about to happen.

"Gregory, get behind me," I instructed. He surprisingly did as I asked, gripping onto the fabric of my leggings for dear life.

"Naughty boy...Naughty boy~ It's past your bedtime...you must be PUNISHED."

Well shit.



A/n: WELP there's that! Hope you guys liked! If you did enjoy, please vote! It really does help with growth and it's also a really great confidence booster. I appreciate all the love and support I've gotten on this story so far, thank you all so so much! Please (faz)bear with me when it comes to updates, I'm trying to get them ready as quickly as I can. I promise, updates WILL keep steadily happening! See you guys in the next chapter

-Ash <3

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