4. Slumber Party

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A/n: Holy shit so I did not expect this to lowkey blow up- THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AHHH IT MEANS A LOT!! Anyways welcome BACK! I'm really excited to share this chapter with you guys and I hope you all enjoy! Also I present to you this Picrew of human Sunny that I made instead of studying for finals :") they start tomorrow so let's hope I don't die. Anyways lets get on with it.


Finally after a long, long, LONG day at work, (did I mention it was long?) I could finally leave and go home to enjoy the comforts of my cozy blankets and a nice cup of tea. That sounded really nice right about now. All of the kids had finally been signed out for the day and went home, so that meant it was my turn. After finishing some routine nightly duties, of course. Sunny willingly volunteered to help, since most of it was just cleaning stuff with a few maintenance things here and there. The last thing I had to do for the day was clean up Sunny, who was currently stacking some boxes of crayons in the craft corner.

"Sunny, c'mere! I need to clean you up before I leave, it's the last thing on my list!" I called out to the animatronic. There were a few bangs along with other sounds before he sauntered over to me from across the room. He was covered in stickers and...fresh glitter glue? Hmm...

"Okay! You can clean me up now! Looks like I got reeeeally dirty!" he exclaimed, almost sounding proud of himself. Which was out of the ordinary due to Sunny's usual need for organization and cleanliness. I arched an eyebrow at him while he just stared back at me, his poor attempt at trying to be inconspicuous.

"Mhmm, I wonder what kid did that." I replied slyly, walking over behind the security counter to grab some cleaning supplies that were created for cleaning the animatronics.

"Y-Yeah, me too! It's like I didn't even notice!" they said nervously. I could feel them watch me as I stalked around the room, cleaning wipes in hand. It was going to be interesting, watching them to see how long he can keep up this little lie. They were a very bad liar. I wonder if that ties into Moon as well?

"I'm surprised you didn't at least put them in time out for making such a mess, Sunny. I've only known you for like two days and yet I can still tell that you're not being yourself." I egged them on as I began peeling off the stickers.

"GAH, FINE! I put the glitter glue and the stickers on my face because I didn't want you to go yet!" Sunny whined out in defeat, not being able to help it any longer.

Wow. Real smooth, Sun.

I laughed as I used the cleaning wipes to get the last bits of glitter glue off of their face. I laughed, patting them on the head. "What, did you think I was leaving? Hell no, you're stuck with me!" I said jokingly, nudging them lightly. And with that I went to grab my things from the break room and was about to leave when suddenly I felt a cold hand reach around my wrist.

"But wait! We could have so much fun! Please stay?" He begged, looking like he was about to implode.

I sighed. "No, Sunny. I gotta go home, at least for tonight, okay? You have your home, and I have mine. But I will see you tomorrow, I promise. Don't worry. I'm not going to be like the others. Trust me, I am definitely not like everyone else." And with those final words I gave his hand a squeeze and let go, walking out of the huge doors. I was surprised he let me go, but I shouldn't be too surprised. Sunny is really nice. Based on Sunny's description of Moon however, Moon is really rude and unforgiving.

That put me off honestly because from what I could tell, Moon just got a bad wrap from everyone. The kids seemed to be comfortable enough with him, and they didn't seem frightened at all by the animatronic.  So why was it that Sunny was so worried about turning the lights off? There had to be some sort of detail I was missing.

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