5. Great Timing

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A/n: Hey guys! I have good news.
This means that if my second semester classes don't give me too much hell I should be able to post updates regularly again. I will let you guys know if that changes though! Anyways sorry  for the delay, and I hope you like this extra long chapter^^

Eclipse picked me up and held me carefully over his shoulder as he practically sprinted away from Vanny through the dimly-lit daycare. My heart was pounding. One minute I was about to die and the next minute my breath was getting knocked out of me from being picked up so fast.

Eclipse was fast. I seriously doubt I've ever seen an animatronic that can move this fast. He wasted no time as he jumped over obstacles, dodged things, and left behind destruction to slow Vanny down even more. It all happened in such a blur that I hardly realized when we'd finally come to a stop in one of the security offices nearby the daycare. Eclipse closed the doors and made sure to lock them, keeping us safe and inside.

It was only then that the combination of the daycare attendants put me down, finally allowing me to catch my breath.

"There." He said. They shouldn't be able to get you in here. At least not that I know of. Stay here until I can distract Vanny. It shouldn't be too hard." His voice was very calming, almost distracting me from seeing Sunny's spikes on one half of his head vanish, leaving only Moon's nightcap.

"As long as the lighting in the daycare stays dim, I'll be able to distract Vanny and lure her out. I'll send you an all clear signal on your Fazwatch and that's when you can c'mon out. Meantime just sit tight. I'll be back, dewdrop." He said reassuringly, opening a vent hatch on the ceiling and crawling inside. He was much more lanky than the other animatronics here, so it did make sense that he could fit.

I turned to watch the cameras, not sure if it would do much good. It looked like Vanny was still patrolling around the entrance, looking for us.
"Where are you?~" she called out. I don't know why she was after me, but I sure as hell didn't want to find out. I saw Eclipse in one of the vent cams, but it looked like he was having a hard time keeping it together. Those vents could get pretty dark in some places, and I knew what would happen if it went completely dark. I learned from one of the Parts and Services crew members that Sunny and Moon share a database, so what one of them knows the other does too. But that doesn't mean their programming is connected. I can only assume Eclipse also falls into that category, meaning if it goes completely dark, Moon will know exactly where to look for me.

...Which also means I unfortunately can't stay here. Eclipse can help me, but he can't know where I am until we resolve this. I sync the cams to my Fazwatch and steel myself before opening both of the doors to the office, in order for me to elude my current threats.

It was still dim out, so I could see where I was going without having to use my flashlight. It was still difficult to see clearly though. I just don't want to draw additional attention to myself. I need to find a way to get down inside the daycare without getting caught so I can get to those backup generators that Sunny had mentioned to me when he was giving me a tour on my first day.

The slide was obviously out, not only because Vanny was there but also because the ball pit made way too much noise.

I also considered the main doors down below, but they're huge and could draw a lot of attention. I need to strategize this. There was only one other way that I knew of to get inside, and that was through a vent.

Should I really go into the vents alone? Would that be rational? No. There's no telling what's in there that could potentially kill me. I'm just not taking chances.

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