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A/n: Hi guys! I PROMISE A NEW CHAPTER IS COMING OUT SOON, like later today soon!! Let me explain why I've been absent. 

It's because I was busy making THIS:

Basically it's collaborative writing effort of a Sun and Moon fic between me and my best friend, @SapphicToads featuring our main OCs. It only has a prologue and a first chapter but chapter one is reaaalllly long (bc it was written by me lmao you guys know how I like to rant) but we're really excited to share it with you guys. Hey, you should go check it out while you're waiting for my new chapter  ;) 

Anyways that's why I haven't been posting anything, so I do apologize for that. But I hope you guys enjoy what we have created and what I have coming up soon!

And thank you all SO SO MUCH for the growth, you have no idea how much I appreciate it. You guys are so cool! 

I'll see you all really really soon!

-Ash <3

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