iv. dean byers

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TO BE LOVED :: iv, dean byers

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:: iv, dean byers

Thomas went up to his apartment, knocked on the door but there was no answer. He called his brother's name . . no answer. Just to make sure he was right, he went to go check if his car was there. Once he got to the garage, found his parking space and saw nothing— he knew something was wrong.

As he sped walk back to the apartment complex, he pulled out his phone and called rossi. After a couple of rings, he answered.

"It's late. Everything ok?" Rossi ask on the other line, as he laid in bed.

"He's not here. I-I can't find him." Thomas began to freak out a little bit. He was scared, he was scared for Dean. He didn't want to wonder but he couldn't help it. His mind couldn't stop thinking of all these bad things— if his brother's dead, someone took him, or worse.

"Ok, clam down. Take a deep breath. Meet me at Quantico. I'm going to call hotch." Rossi then hung up, leaving a distressed man alone.

Thomas knew what he had to do, yet he also didn't. He could barley walk but he made an effort into getting back to the complex before hitching a ride with a friend.

"Thanks for doing this, Reggie." Through his worrying, he managed to show a sign of gratitude for his friend.

Reggie pulled up to the curb of the BAU, so Thomas could get out. Just before Thomas reached the door, Reggie grasped his attention.

"Hey, Tom! I'll let you know if I see anything!" Reggie gave him a slight nod, which Thomas returned before continuing his way into the building.

He didn't have a pass key yet so he texted rossi to come down and get him.

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To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now