v. death has spoken

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TO BE LOVED :: v, death has spoken( continuation of Dean Byers )

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:: v, death has spoken
( continuation of Dean Byers )

Jennifer and Thomas were now only a couple of minutes away from his car. Jennifer took her phone out and began to call Hotch to let him know where they were. After about another two minutes, they pulled up near an alley way, that's what the map said at least. Thomas stopped the car and looked around through the windows. He soon unbuckled and got out the car. He didn't stray too far because he was waiting for Jennifer.

She eventually got off with Hotch and met Thomas near the trunk of the suv. The two looked across the street and saw the 7/11 Garcia talked about, so they instantly knew they were in the right place. Him and jj started looking around, trying to find Thomas' car. The map said they were in the right area but where was his car then?

They both looked left and right, all over but there was still no sign of the car.

"Alright, I'm going to go question the manager in 7/11." Jj told him before heading across the street.

Thomas decided he would keep looking around so that's what he did. At first he was going to give up. It had been roughly a couple of minutes and still no sign of his car, that was until he felt something under his shoe. He moved just a bit and bent down, picking it up off the ground. He pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on. It was his car keys.

He then ran across the street to 7/11 to get jj and also to save whoever she's interrogating. He opened the door and all he had to do was stand there and dangle the keys on his finger. That was the only thing needed to get Jennifer's attention. She rushed over to him, then followed him out the door.

"Does this mean you found your car?" She questioned as they headed back to the suv.

"Not exactly." He told her as they finally reached the black truck.

Just before Thomas could get in, he was grabbed and a bag was placed over his head. Jennifer noticed he was gone and quickly connected the pieces— he was kidnapped.

She immediately called Hotch as she got in on the driver's side and luckily the key was in it's hold, so she started the car.

• • •

"Ok. Ok. Thanks jj, we'll see you soon. Be vigilant." He then hung up the phone and walked back into the conference room.

"Everything ok, Hotch?" Morgan ask. He could tell something wasn't right.

Hotch sighed, "According to jj, Thomas has been taken. Now that he's one of our own, we will not do any other case until him and his brother are found. Jj is on her way back. Dave, can I speak with you?"

David followed Hotch just outside the door, where they could be alone . . . at least from the team. Hotch knew there was something Dave was holding back but he didn't understand why. Considering now both of the brothers are missing, it's now time for David to say everything and not leave anything out.

"If there's anything else you haven't told me, I suggest you do now." Hotch spoke calmly towards David.

"Hotch, I told you everything. The person who probably knew anymore information is Thomas. That can't be a coincidence." Dave replied sternly.

"Then we build off that." Hotch lastly said before walking back into the room with David.

As the night progressed into early dawn, eventually jj came through the door. You could tell she was kind of pissed off. She blamed herself for Thomas' kidnapping. Even though she didn't believe it, others did. It wasn't her fault.

"So where are we?" Jennifer stood standing. She couldn't bring herself to sit down, not even for a moment— knowing damn well there's so much to do.

"We think thomas had other information which is probably why they took him." Derek included her in.

"I know we haven't known him for long, but I don't think he would lie." Jennifer spoke softly.

Hotch defended his statement, "I said maybe he's withholding information. He most likely didn't tell us the whole truth."

"So what do we do?" Spencer chimed in.

"We dissect his whole life." Hotch turned to David, "Is that ok with you?"

"Let's find my boys." David easily agreed.

So Hotch gave the team their assignments and so they began to go through the Byers brother's lives. Their only mission in that time was to find them and not quit until they do. The only question was . . . will they save them in time?

to be continued . . .

a/n:sorry for the wait!!here u go!!

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sorry for the wait!!
here u go!!

To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now