i. mr. god son

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TO BE LOVED :: i, mr

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:: i, mr. god son

Hotch had called everyone to the conference room, it was around noon and he was just coming back from lunch. He waited in the room and about just a minute later, everyone walked in.

"So how bad is this one?" Emily ask, taking a seat and everyone else sat down.

"Really bad." Garcia, replied and then continued to speak. "Ok. So about two days ago, this couple was found just about two miles from their house. They were held captive and beaten to death." She said, not looking even once at the screen.

"So the unsub is strong. Fit. Those bruises look like the work of a fist." Rossi spoke aloud and the rest of them nodded.

"True, but the husband seems just as fit. How was the unsub able to hold the husband down?" Morgan ask.

"Maybe they were tied up." Reid chipped in and that's when hotch rose out of his seat, gathering his things up.

"Wheels up in ten and we're headed to Arizona." He said, heading out and the team departed to get their things situated before heading to Arizona.

The team soon started boarding the private jet. Everyone sat around close to each other, discussing the case. Garcia soon popped up on the screen of the laptop and started to announce anything she found out within those few minutes. As everyone was prepping to land eventually, David stayed back to prep his god son for an interview he will be having in a couple of hours.

• • •

David walked Thomas through the lobby and then approached the elevator. He soon pressed the up arrow and they both waited for an elevator to open. Once it finally opened, they both stepped in and David pressed their floor's button. They were only a couple of floors from the bau and Thomas couldn't be more excited. He's been wanting this opportunity since he started college.

To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now