ix. the bro talk

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TO BE LOVED :: ix, the bro talk 

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:: ix, the bro talk 

Thomas had just walked through the door from coming back from a case. It was around one in the morning. Dean was up on the couch watching what looked like a movie as Thomas placed his things down on the table next to the door. He tapped his brother on the way to his room to go change out of his work clothes. Some people don't mind, they can walk in from work and grab a drink as they sit in their clothes all day but Thomas, he would feel uncomfortable. Which is why everyday, he's so excited to get out his clothes once he gets home so he could throw on sweats or something.

After he changed, he came out his room and headed to the couch plopping next to his brother. As his eyes follow the characters on the screen, he immediately noticed what movie it was— Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise. It's their favorite movie series of all time. And the only time really when it's on, is when one of them has to talk to the other about something uncomfortable. With Thomas having that in mind, he reached for the controller on the table and pressed pause before placing it back down.

"What's up, Dean?" He didn't even have to turn to his brother.

Dean sighed, knowing well he can't hide anything from his brother even if he tried.

As Thomas waited for Dean to began, he got up and walked to the kitchen to grab something to drink. He opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. After he took the water bottle, he closed the fridge and faced the back of his brother's head. The lid of the water bottle was heard being twisted off before he drank some of it.

"The dinner at Dave's— you like Jennifer, don't you?" Dean turned to him.

Thomas groaned, "It's complicated."

"Dude—!" Dean exclaimed turning around, "You said that thirteen years ago about Chrissy."

"You promised we wouldn't have to speak about her ever again." Thomas reminded his brother.

Dean sucked his teeth, "And you promised you wouldn't ever repeat history ever again."

Thomas sighed, "Repeating history would me be telling jj how I feel and that my friend is never happening."

"So what?" Dean shrugged, "You're just going to hide and ponder your what if questions over and over again in your head?"

Thomas took a gulp of his water, "It's a lot better than messing up someone's relationship."

The conversation soon ended and so, Thomas evacuated to his bedroom. He thought about what his brother said and took in consideration but he wasn't going to intervene in jj's relationship for his own happiness. He realized he needed to start moving on and that there will probably be nothing between them.

He stayed hooked up in his room before eventually falling asleep. Just as quick as he went to bed, he woke up only hours later.

• • •

It was seven in the morning and he just got a call from Hotch, it was an emergency case. So Thomas forced himself out of bed, did his hair, brushed his teeth, then quickly got dress. Within fifteen minutes, he was out the door and in his car heading to the BAU.

Soon enough, he drove into the garage and parked his car. He grabbed his to-go bag and then jogged to the elevator. He pressed the number to the level of the BAU and within only a minute, the elevator opened then he walked out. He walked through the double doors and soon came face to face with Garcia.

"There's my favorite star!" He greeted Garcia, "It's pretty bad, isn't it?"

"I'm going to watch extra kitten videos today." Penelope gave him a small smile which he returned.

As they began to head to the conference room, "Is Emily here yet?" Thomas squeezed in before they weren't alone anymore. Just before Garcia could reply, Thomas' head turned and saw Emily walking in.

He then made his way to the dark haired agent and a smug smile spread across his lips.

"Why are you smiling like that? It's creeping me out." Emily lightly chuckled as Thomas stood in front of her.

"I know we have a case and this may not be the best time but i wondering if you wanted to catch a movie sometime . . . ?" He trailed off, a bit nervous of her response.

"Mr. Bryers, are you asking me on a date?" Emily's tone could be perceived in a teasing way.

He stood proud and confident, "Yeah, I am."

"Hm." She hummed in amusement. She then made her way pass Thomas, heading to the conference so she can began debriefing with the team.

Thomas followed behind, not sure of what that response meant but he had a good feeling. He realized jj was untouchable and he could never have her the way he wants, no he isn't going with the second best thing. He doesn't see Emily as a second choice. He took what his brother said and not to go for taken girls. Besides, he always found Emily cute. 

The team soon began debriefing and as they started, Thomas passed Emily a small smile which she returned. That earned the eyes of jj, wondering what was going on between the two but soon her eyes diverted back to the screen in front of her that Garcia was deliberately trying to avoid.

 That earned the eyes of jj, wondering what was going on between the two but soon her eyes diverted back to the screen in front of her that Garcia was deliberately trying to avoid

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sooo emily and Thomas?

To Be Loved,                                                     jennifer jareauWhere stories live. Discover now