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For every time that I broke down
A fake smile lies to cover the sadness
I was running faraway, hoping for a fall

I hid behind lies when things get rough
Forced myself to think it was enough
My tears were masked by my own pillow

Unseen by all, alone with my anguish
If I could go back, I'd change it all again
Stop myself from starting to crumble
Stop myself from hiding to masked

I lost sight of who I was; what I wanted
What I needed, and where I came from
I knew what was wrong but it felt so good

So good to live with the lie and a mask
I knew my chances were thin and slippery
Each truth a lie I learned to hold well

While watching each one start to unfold
Unfolding before my very own eyes
This time the pillow won't be enough for the tears, neither can the mask be

If I could go back!! If only I could!!
Then maybe..................................


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