Now some steps forward

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The theme song plays, Lakko seems more adjusted to it but still fumbles and sticks out.

The episode begins with Yakko, Wakko, and Dot plus Lakko Warner sitting around a campfire. Wakko checks their bag and they don't have chocolate for their smores. They despair at the lost. A blonde guy shows up and tells them to leave. He doesn't have chocolate for their smores. Turns out their at the Olympics.

Yakko Warner comments, "Ah, so it is." The almost naked guy announces, "And I am Nils Needheart, the overwhelming favorite to win all the gold metals." The gold metals in question are being held in a display case. Wakko delights, "Oooh, gold wrapped chocolates!" Dot adds on, "How fancy." Wakko elbows in, "Looks like we'll have to win them." Gold meddlers sounds dumb, sorry. Trumpets blare. Nils cuts in, "Oh! The games are starting. Sorry no homeless in the bowl until after the games... That's when the urban decay sets in." Then he rolled them up in their camping gear and threw them away.

Yakko yells as they were flying through the air, "This is so 'In Tents!'" Then the mime played a beat on the drums. The Announcement declared "Ladies, Gentlemen, and Everyone between, the best campaigns of the world." Needheart crashed in, beat up everyone, and stole all the flags to ease his ego. While the crowd was cheering and he was showboating. The Warners returned. Nils Needheart gasped, "I thought I told you to go away!" Yakko explained, "We did, we went around the globe!" Then dropped a globe on foot. Wakko swooned, "I found myself in Paris." Showing a picture of himself and he by the tower.

Lakko shily added, "I found out that I like girls and guys." Her siblings added in, "Same." The athlete scoffed, "No! You can't be here. Only athletes allowed, you are tiny children with legs like vulnerable flowers." He then pluck Dot's leg like a rubber guitar string. Dot took out a ball and paddle and pointed out, "We are Athletes, you thinly veiled stereotype." The Blondie told off, "Where's your flag?" Wakko pulled out a cloth with the WB logo, Lakko got out a napkin with the Disney Logo and put it on the same flag pole

Yakko smiled, "Looks like we're competing. May the best man win." He winked. The Professional was unimpressed. The first sport are falling into water. The crowd cheered excitedly for the jerk and the judges got ready to judge. Wakko and Dot got into the accounting booth. The Price took the dive and fell for too long. Getting all tens. Yakko Warner went up next. Unfortunately Yakko can't swim. However he didn't need to as he splashed all the water out of the pool. Getting 100s all across. The Adult threw a temper tantrum and ate the scores. Yakko still got the gold.

The next event was Horse. Nils Needheart rode his horse well, then his horse rode him, and got a good score. Dot brought in a donkey which became a unicorn which got her a perfect score. The gold going to the Warners again.

Next was ping pong, Wakko and Nils Needheart played. Wakko, as per typical, ate the ping pong balls. Then coughed them up. Somehow he won.

All this losing was getting to Nils. Because his ego is as weak as a flower made of glass. He raged until he was all bright red. The next event was a team event, volleyball. Needheart jumped into the clouds and spiked the ball down. Yakko then adjusted the net for the height so Nils Needheart spiked the ball into his own face, falling back to the ground.

The next event was throwing a plate. Lakko threw the plat first. It went far but not too impressive. Nils threw the plate but Wakko run on all fours after it and brought it back. Causing the distance to be not even an inch.

Next was the high jump. Nils Needheart went to jump over a tall bar. But the original Warners played limbo music so he went under the bar instead. Dot jumped on him, over the bar. Having gotten beyond all scores on every event, The Warner Siblings got all the metals. Leaving the sad broken man, sad and broken somewhere other than his heart as he laid on the ground and dirt and grass crying. His cries rang through the Earth. Lakko looked upon the metals and then looked to her siblings. She took a metal and explained, "These are gold. No chocolate."

Wakko bit into one and nodded, "Not Chocolate." Dot and Yakko scoffed, having no interest in trophies. Lakko asked, "I know he's bad, but can we give him the metals anyway." Yakko rolled his eyes then nodded, "Sure." Then they dumped a truckload of gold ontop of Nils Needheart. Then he fell into hell.

So here's another review of Pinky and The Brain as it's watched. Politicians are childish and seedy. Brain once again uses this factor to attempt to take over the world. I still think Pinky and Brain should take over the world and marry each other. Capitalistic greed is a game of Vultures and snakes. Oh yeah and it's the 50s.

Also a metaphor of the Lavender scare... or the Red scare.

I like it.

Pinky cracks under the pressure of lies.

And Brain becomes Superman. Good job.

Dot's poetry corner becomes more story driven and animated in said stories. And that's how as a big sister, she teaches Lakko math.

On to the next one!

Animaniacs Reboot but Lakko exists Season 1Where stories live. Discover now