Moving along

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The theme song plays but Lakko is always a sec late.

The episode begins on the movie lot in the water tower. Wakko Warner is microwaving the remote to give it magic powers. This fails, however it does give it the able to see over sea TV. The Warners flop down on the couch to watch. It appears to be a game show. They flip the channels and there's sport ball. There's also a puppet show rip-off of Animaniacs in Russia? They don't have Lakko. Lakko shouts, "Oh come on! It's because I'm a girl, isn't it?!" Yeahhh, maybe. Russia isn't great about Queer anything so it's possibly because you are a girl.

All Warners are offered by this lazy rip off. Especially Dot. And the Russian are spying on The Warners Siblings. So they mail themselves to Russia. They are taken on a sight seeing trip around the Russian movie lot. There's game shows. Cooking show that sucks like all Cooking shows. A good reason Brain should take over the world and Lakko is right about leadership. And Finally knockoff Animaniacs.

They appear and the worker union here sucks. Clearly Captalist ideals and unjust leadership have rotted away all that is good from the land. Also the director is unhappy to see Lakko. What a jerk. The Nurse shows up. The Director insults women bysayingthey are all dumb. So Dot and Lakko immediately go to beat the daylight out of him. The Director displays ego more. So they decide to make his suffering longer and more painful. By tooning it up and singing. Mind you they are good at singing.

The idiot in power sends in his gun dogs who arrest The Director. In the end, they take Air Force One to America because it goes from Russia to America daily when the song was written.

Oh Boy, Pinky and The Brain review time.

It reminds me of not fearing my dad's rage as a child.

I have problems that will follow me to my grave.

The horror kids YouTube, God what godless earth have we been boiling in? Brain has a dumb plan, what's new? Also making the battery so expensive was a dumb idea. Still better than that time I got sucked into an addiction for Lootboxes. Worse half a day of my life. Thankfully I couldn't end up too sucked in because I don't have money and can't spend money. But what was even worse than that was accidentally letting the auto play hot those trash Kids YouTube videos.

God, I only saw it for a second but it was a nightmare. Back in my day children watched videos of hot ladies or that one video of the dog that stayed alive without a head that haunts the static radiation of my trauma... Maybe things were not better. Maybe things were always suffering like this.

Oh yeah the episode. Please distract me from reality, Cartoons. I never stopped wishing to escape reality and flee into your animated wonderful like I told my parents. I lied to them so they wouldn't take away my cartoons forever. Anyways, they were trying to find a rock with their battery. The plan is still dumb. A toddler ate the rock. The mom dropped the toddler off at daycare. The toddlers here are like real toddlers. Destructive. Where's the damn teacher?

Brain saves Pinky. The child needs a nap, sing Brain. Sing Brain! I think you can sing great. The singing is good.

The Third act begins with The Warners doing an interview. Lakko didn't get a chair and nobody asks her questions. People just want the original three so when it comes down to fan stuff and things like this, there's no room for her. So she stands off to the side in the background. Just looking at pictures of buff men dressed as Disney Princesses. You know, like I did when I was 4 years old.

To the next one!

Animaniacs Reboot but Lakko exists Season 1Where stories live. Discover now