We're skipping off Elmyra.

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Elmira. Theme song plays but Lakko isn't there? That's normal I guess.

The Episode begins on a farm. The Warners are playing farmers. It's a recording of a cartoon like they did back in the rubberhose days. The Warners keep getting things wrong. One time the music players get something wrong. The Warner Siblings break the fourth wall and request to get this done faster. The music director who has been calling for them to do it better over and over again is frustrated that they can't do it perfectly in one take. The music player decide they are done playing childish songs so the scene changes to fit the new music they are playing.

The Warners are being dragged around a castle by magical mop and buckets. It looks like a Disney movie I watched as a small child. Lakko shruggs it off and seems fairly okay with this all... Because she's a Disney character. Their voices all go silent. The castle is flooded with their doubles who are forced to work. So many that it forces Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and Lakko out of the screen. The Warners see their doubles suffering so bust them out to ruin the music players for forcing this cruel reality. The music director opens his eyes, horrified to find himself surrounded by Warners playing instruments.

His new sheet music is handed to him and he nervously does it. Sweating as he realizes his hubris. When he stops directing, Dot and Lakko start shooting fireworks and canons at him. He is overtaken by what he abused. The doubles throw roses to their source in thanks. Yakko directs the cartoon where the director has to face the same suffering he forced on others.

The second act begins with Yakko, Wakko, and Dot also Lakko Warner trying to decide what's wrong with the world on a Faux News. All the while insulting the host. Yakko suggests bike riders. Dot suggests if scientists are cute, nerdy, or both. Wakko suggests a lack of meatballs. Lakko suggests people thinking she's a guy. Yakko suggests tomatoes. This drives the host up the wall in his rage at being called different forms of his name that sound less professional. Lakko shruggs and adds that people saying her name is a "boy" name always grinds her gears.

The host demands someone find a real issue. Acting like Lakko didn't say anything. Lakko narrows her eyes, and smiles as she speak, "Oh? You mean like Tax Cuts?" The Host nods, "Yes?" Yakko takes the hint. Yakko adds, "Like Rent control?" The host more excitedly answers, "Yes." Dot notes, "Like small businesses?" The host cheers, "Yes!" Wakko finishes, "Like Violence in Children's Cartoons?" The host shouts, "Yes! HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT IT?!" They cheer, "We love it!" Wakko yanks a cord which drops a safe on The Host.

The Host goes bananas.

Pinky and The Brain review time, kids!

Brain and Pinky are famous. Brain is trying to win the Oscars. The limousine parks at the red carpet. Brain wants Pinky to open the door for him. Pinky doesn't open the door. A machine hand appears... Snowball? Is that you? Wait, It's The Brain from The Future!! Brain is baffled. Pinky is in ropes. They are being kidnapped on the big day. The Brain from The Future claims he can help take over the world. They go to the future.

Pinky is set free to make cheesecake. Brain refuses to believe his double will help, given he has kidnapped Pinky and ruined his red carpet plan. It's all dramatic and epic. This Future Brain seems to know everything that's going to happen... Yet, where's future Pinky? Oh God, do they not end up together in the future!?!

Why cruel world, why must you destroy my hopes and dreams!?!

Future Brain seems so happy to see Pinky. Yet he's so paranoid about Pinky. But... Good his theory about the endless string of failures that haunts Brain sounds so correct... Could the theory that haunts my nightmares be true? Is it possible? Has Pinky been the genuine genius ruining Brain's insane plots this whole time?

No! I refuse it! It CANNOT be Possible! As The Coyote chases The Roadrunner. As long as Bugs eats carrots. I will not believe Pinky could do anything less than love The Brain! He asked Santa Claus to bring Brain the world for Christmas dammit!! Pinky isn't the reason, you jaded cyborg!

Brain chooses Pinky, Wooo!

I like Brain's Movie best.

Oh God, the Cyborg is back! He's got a laser gun!

Why hold Pinky hostage? Oh cool, clone fight. Now kiss each other and then kiss Pinky! Quick question, do you think it's Pinky's dream that Brain and a more edgy eviler brain kiss him at the same time? Annnnndddddd Pinky has the time gun. He can't tell who's who and he just wants them to stop fighting. God DAMN, the angst could just murder me here!

The future Brain got sucked down. I still don't believe his theory. Damn anyone who does.

There's no Lakko is this short so we're not doing anything with that.

Animaniacs Reboot but Lakko exists Season 1Where stories live. Discover now