Chapter 1

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( I'n mind.)




A bus is making it's way towards beach city and in the bus is Y/N.

Y/N: *Yawn* Man it's a long ride huh.

Hey my names Y/N I used to be in a band but I left because I got tired of it.
Right know I'm in a bus heading towards beach city I heard that it's the best town for relaxing and enjoying peace I'm wearing my usual outfit. Black coat,black shirt,black gloves,
black jeans, along with my mask and headphones. What I love black color.

 What I love black color

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The bus stopped at the beach city Bus station. And out stepped Y/n.

Y/n: *deep inhale* ha the sea breeze sure is refreshing huh.

Y/n started to roam around until he came across big donut.

Y/n: I could go for a donut or two.

Y/n stepped in the shop there he saw two girls behind the counter probably the workers.

Y/n: Hey can I get one jelly and one double chocolate donut.

The girl turned around and gasped she probably thought he was a robber.

???: Of..of..course coming right up.

Y/n: ( why did she gasped like that never saw a person wearing all black and a mask )

???: So umm I've never seen you before are you new around here.

Y/n: Yeah I just arrived today.

The ginger haired girl wasn't paying attention and kept on looking at her mobile phone.

???: Here you are that will be a Dolar fifty.

I gave her a ten dollar bill.

Y/n: Thanks and here you go and keep the change.

???: Thank you very much sir.

Y/n: Stop calling me sir I'm only 17 the names Y/n.

???: Oh sorry my name's sadie and that's liz.

She pointed towards the ginger haired girl.

Y/n: Well it was nice metting you see ya.

Y/n steeped out of the shop and made his way towards the beach and sat down on the sand wacthing the ocean.

Y/n: It sure is peaceful here.

Y/n was about to eat his donuts when a girl came out of nowhere.

???: HEY who are you I've never seen you here before.

Y/n got scared by her he turned around to look at the girl.

Y/n: Jesus christ dont scare me like that
And yes I'm new here.

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