Chapter 9

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No One's POV:

It has been 3 weeks since the jasper event nora found peridot and she decided to help the gems with the cluster and y/n weeelll he has been digging his head in thousands of books for his next 'Invention'. Nora tried calling him but he kept telling her that he couldn't talk right know.

Nora's POV:

I was making my way towards y/n's place I hope he isn't mad at me.
I was standing in front of his door I knocked on the door and wait but I didn't heard anything for 2 mins so I knocked again and again no sound I was gona knock again when the door nob started to turn slowly and when the door opened I was surprised and worried by what I saw.

No Ones POV:

Y/n was working on his so called 'Invention' he was super tired with red eyes and bags under his eyes due to lack of sleep when he heard the knock on the door he ignored it and went back to work the door knocked again y/n sighed and slowly made his way to the door.

Y/n: I'm really not in the mood to get any visitors.

Y/n opened the door to see it was nora the moment she saw y/n she became speachles.

Nora: ...........

Y/n: Oh hey *yawn* n..nora.

Nora: ...........

Y/n: Hello you there.

Nora: Y/n....

Y/n: Yeah.

Nora: What have you been doing.

Y/n: Working on a new project.

Nora just sighed loudly after hearing this.

Nora: Did you sleep the past days.

Y/n: Ummm no.

Nora: Ok.

Nora pushed y/n to the side and entered the house she went to his room and grabbed a bag and started to pack clothes and other things of y/n.

Y/n: Ummm nora what are you doing.

Nora: I'm taking you to the temple with me and no buts so get every thing you need.

Y/n: Wait nora I cant.

Nora looked at y/n dead in the eyes which made him flinch.


Y/n: O...ok.

Y/n made his way to the bathroom grabbed his toothbrush and other things and placed them in the bag he opened the vault which was fixed in a wall behind a painting he grabbed a mask which was the same as the one he was wearing and grabbed the Annihilator. Y/n mad his way down stairs followed by nora he stepped in his study and grabbed a book and a small box and then walked out of the room where nora was waiting for him.

Y/n: That's all.

Nora: Hmm alright let's go.

Y/n stepped out of his house along with nora they started to make there way to the temple y/n was struggling to walk properly and not pass out. After a 10 minutes walk they made it to the temple nora opened the door and entered with y/n following behind.

Nora: I'm back!!.

Garnet,Pearl and amethyst were sitting on the couch they hadn't noticed y/n yet .

Pearl: Ah welcome back nora.

Amethyst: Yo you went to see y/n hows he doing.

Nora: Welll..

Nora stepped aside and you walked forward they surprised to see.

Y/n: Hey everyone.

Pearl was the first one to react she got up from her seat and made her way to y/n and gave him a hug which he returned but this made the others jealous.

Pearl: Y/n dear it's so good to see you again.

Y/n: Its good to see you again to all of you.

Nora: Well if that's out of the way y/n please take of your mask.

Y/n: Wait nora..

Nora: Y/n..

Y/n: Ok ok.

The others were confused but when y/n took his mask of they were no longer confused y/n had dark bag under his eyes he looked he didn't slept for an entire week.

Pearl: Oh stars y/n what happened.

Amethyst: Yeah man you look like you seriously need a nap.

Garnet: Yes I agree with amethyst you look like your going to pass out any time.

Y/n: I know it's just I was a bit to engulfed in my work.

Nora: Yes yes you were. Anyway I brought y/n here so he can relax properly so can he stay.

Pearl: That is a brilliant idea.

Amethyst: Wohh new roommate.

Garnet: This will be interesting.

Nora: Yeaa come on y/n I'll show you around the temple.

Nora showed y/n around the temple.
After they were done they sat down with the others.

Nora: So what do you think y/n.

Y/n: Well it's a good place to stay *yawn* I...n.

Y/n tirdly pearl saw this and scoted closer to y/n she gently grabed his head and pulled it down on her lap y/n didn't protested cause he was to tired and immediately fell in to slumber.

Amethyst: Wow you'r really hoarding him for yourself Huh.

Pearl: Wha of course not I um.

Garnet: Silence both of you we will talk about this later amethyst let's go we shouldn't disturb y/n. Pearl make sure you dont move.

Pearl: *nod*

Nora: I'm gonna take a nap as well.

Nora went upstairs and laid on her bed and dozed of Garnet and Amethyst went to there rooms. Pearl was looking down at the sleeping y/n on her lap with a smile and a blush.

( Time Skip )

It has been two hours since y/n fell asleep but he started to wake up know.

Y/n: *Yawn* Man that was one of the best sleep I ever had.

Pearl: I'm glad to hear that.

Y/n: Huh.

When y/n's site started to settle in he saw that he was still laying in pearls lap. Y/n blushed and sat up straight.

Y/n: Um...I you di...dnt have to you know do that.

Pearl: *Giggle* Well I wanted to that.

Y/n looked away due to embarrassment pearl saw this and giggled again.

Y/n: An..anyway where's every one else.

Pearl: Well garnet and amethyst are in their room and nora is upstairs taking a nap.

Y/n: Well I should probably get to work.

Pearl: What do you mean by 'Work'.

Y/n: Umm I need to gather information about something.

Pearl: No you are not doing anything you will relax yourself and that's it.

Y/n: Wait pearl I can't.

Pearl: I said you will relax.

Y/n:*sigh* ok but not for to long.

Pearl: Splendid.

( Some other place )

A orange figure was walking around a forest as if trying to find something or someone.

???: Heh one day I will find you human and you will replace my diamond.


Sorry I didn't upload in a long time I'm just busy with school I hope you all understand.

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