Chapter 3

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We see a nervous y/n sitting in front of garnet who has been staring at him for as long as she herd what happened today.

Garnet: Soo y/n care to explain how you got your hands on such a weapon.

Y/n: I told you didn't I that I made it myself.

Garnet: Hmm I know that your telling the truth but I still want to know how can a weapon made by a human is capable to defeat a gem.

Y/n: So basically you want to know how it works.

Garnet: In simple words yes.

Y/n: You should have said it earlier. But are you sure you can understand it its pretty complex stuff.

Pearl: Of course we can understand gems are far more intelligent than humans.

Y/n: Ok then here goes.


After a long ass explanation about the Annihilator he looked at evry one else.

Y/n: So you guys get it.

Amethyst: Nope.

Nora: My brain is hurting.

Pearl: ......

Garnet: .....

Y/n: I thought gems were intelligent than humans Hmm.

He said while looking at pearl who blushed and looked way.

Y/n: To put it simply the bullets I use consist of anti matter which is the direct opposite of matter take an example of two magnets what happens when you bring the opposite ends together.

Pearl: They attract each other.

Y/n: Yup since every thing in universe is made of matter and if a single trace of anti matter is exposed all the matter gets attracted towards it with great force it results in two things a enormous explosion or the matter and anti matter will tarnish when they come in contact with each other and it will..

Pearl: Erase anything it comes in contact with.

Y/n: Yup.

Garnet: That is pretty dangerous how did you find out about it.

Y/n: Well I have always been a nerd about science before all this I always drowned my self in books.

Nora: Woohh I think you and connie will get along really well.

Pearl: I am actually surprised that a human no that you y/n were so smart.

Y/n: Well now you know.

Garnet placed her hand on y/n's head.
Which surprised him.

Garnet: I'm surprised as well thank you for saving nora.

Y/n: Oh no need to thank me I did what was right.

Garnet: Hmm *smirk* Nora I think we might have a new member.

Nora: Huhh!! y/n you know what that means!!!.


Nora: Your a crystal gem now.

She jumped on y/n hugging him tightly.

Y/n: Nora need air.

Nora: Oh hehe sorry.

Pearl: Garnet are you sure it's not that I dont want y/n to join he has great potential but he can get seriously hurt while dealing with gem stuff.

Garnet: You dont need to worry pearl I'm seeing a bright future and all of us enjoying ourselves a bit to much around him.

Nora: Y/n you have to show us your face know.

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