Chapter 7

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The gems along with lapis and nora were in y/n house lapis was looking around with interest the gems were sitting on the couch with some ice bags handed to them by y/n.

Y/n: You sure you dont need anything.

Garnet: Well be alright.

Pearl: Keeping that aside can you explain how you took out a gem who single handedly defeated us.

Y/n: Alright. So pearl you told me that a gems body is made of 50% of concentrated light and 50% of physical matter.

Pearl: Yes I did.

Y/n: well I used that to my advantage. I used a substance called vantablack it is capable of absorbing 99.96% percent of light no mater the concentration its originally in liquid form but I was able to turn it into gas I used the sam gas on jasper it  sucked the light out of her.

Amethyst: Man that's scary.

Pearl: I'm not even sure that you really are a human.

Garnet: None the less good work.

Nora: But how did you used the gas on jasper.

Y/n: Oh I filled a tank with the gas and attached to the inside of my coat and used microscopic threads to connect it to my gloves. To put it simply I used small tubes connected to my gloves.

Pearl: But that doesn't explain how you got so close to jasper.

Y/n: Oh I used a flash bang it blinds you and interruptes your hearing for a couple of seconds.

Garnet: Now that is clever.

Garnet ruffled y/n's hair through his hood.

Nora: Hey where's lapis.

Nora looked around the room and saw her inspecting y/n's drum set.

Nora: Hey lapis.

Lapis: Yes nora.

Nora: Are you interested in drums.

Lapis: So that what there called drums what are they used for.

Nora: Well drums are musical instruments used to make music.

Lapis: That sounds fun.

Nora: It is you should ask y/n about it hes really good at it.

Lapis: Oh yeah the human.

Lapis made an unsure face.

Nora: What's wrong.

Lapis: Nora aren't you surprised that a human was able to take out a gem that took all of you on easily.

Nora: Well y/n is like really smart.

Lapis: But did he proved to to you that he's trust worthy.

Nora: Of course he saved my life from a corrupted gem.

Lapis: Really.

Nora: Yup lapis I think your overthinking it you haven't even thanked him yet.

Lapis: For what.

Nora: He saved you from jasper after all.

Lapis: I..... your right.

Both made there way back to others Y/n was sitting on the floor with amethyst on his back pearl was sitting in front of him listening to what he was saying and garnet was sitting on the couch with a smile on her face.

Nora: Hey guys what are you doing.

Pearl: Oh nora well y/n is explaining me more about the methods to counter other gems.

Nora: Hmm hey y/n.

Y/n: Yes nora.

Nora: Lapis wants to tell you something.

Y/n: Oh is that so lapis sure go ahead.

Lapis: Well I wanted to say thank you for saving me from jasper.

Y/n: There's no need to thank me your Nora's friend and her friends are my friends.

Lapis smiled and noded.

Nora: Y/n you should take your mask of.

Y/n: Umm I don't know.

Nora: Oh come on lapis gas to see your face as well since she's a crystal gem as well.

Lapis: I am??

Y/n: well *sigh* alright.

Y/n took of his mask and hood lapis was surprised to see his face and blushed immediately.

Y/n: Happy now.

Nora: Yup.

Y/n looked towards lapis and saw that she was staring at him.

Y/n: Um lapis you ok.

Lapis: Huh wha oh yes I'm ok.

Nora: Hey y/n why do you wear that mask anyway.

Y/n was taken back by that question his face turned in to a sad one pearl noticed this along with garnet and lapis pearl was about to say something but y/n cut her of by answering Nora's question.

Y/n: Well its because of my mother.

Nora: Your mother?.

Y/n: Yes before I was born my mother and father were happy with each other my mother wanted to have a child where as my father didn't but when I was born every thing went down hill my mother and father fought all the time neither of them paying attention to me. One day father left going after another women my mother was heart broken. Because of this my mother blamed me and forced me to cover my face saying that it reminds her of him if I wouldn't cover my face she would pour boiling water on my face and soon enough I grew attached to hiding my face from others hence I still wear a mask.

Nora and pearl had tears in her eyes garnet and amethyst had a frown on there face and lapis well she had her head facing down while her hair covered her eyes. Nora suddenly jumped on y/n giving him a tight hug.

Nora: I'm so sorry for what happened to you y/n. I shouldn't have made you tell us I'm sorry.

Y/n patted her head and hugged her back.

Y/n: No nora It actually took a lot of weight of my chest by talking about it.

Pearl joined in the hug followed by amethyst and garnet and after a while lapis as well.

Pearl: Well dont dwell on the past know you have us.

Amethyst: Yeah man your a crystal gem.

Garnet: A part of our family. And you to lapis.

Pearl: Yes and I'm sorry for what we did you to you lapis we didn't meant to do it we thought you were a home world gem.

Lapis: Its alright I forgive you.

Y/n: Hey guys I know that I'm ruining the moment but who has jaspers gem.

Nora: I thought you had it.

Y/n: I thought pearl had it.

Pearl: Oh no.

On the beach jasper reformed and fell on the sand with a crazed grin on her face.

Jasper: Looks like I finally found someone capable of replacing her replacing my diamond. I will find you human.

And hence jasper started her search for y/n.


Sorry I'm a bit busy due to school.
Nut I will try my hardest to update as soon as possible.

As always take care.

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