Chapter 12

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( At beach city)

We see Nora pacing around the temple in panic.

Nora: Oh man oh man what do we do with do we do.

Pearl: Nora calm down. You said that blue diamond mentioned about a zoo.

Nira: Yeah I think.

Amethyst: Well even if it is right how are we gonna get there.

Garnet: We can go there using the roaming eye.

Nora: That's it comeon we got to hury.
Let me just call dad. Wait what.

Nora looked at her phone and saw a lot of call from greg and a vedio sent by him.

Nora: A video.

Nora started the vedio. And a panicked greg was seen in the video.

Greg: Hey uh nora!! you weren't picking up so I recorded this umm so a couple of gems are chasing me and they were talking about capturing and taking me to some zoo so if.....

The vedio got cut of there.

Amethyst: Great now we have to save greg as well.

Nora: Alright that's it let's go.

Nora(in mind): Hold on dad y/n were coming for you.

(Back at the zoo)

Y/n was sitting in a room right now blue's pearl was standing right next to him.

Y/n(in mind): The silence is killing me and the fact that she is just standing right next to me is making me a little uncomfortable.

Y/n looked at B.p from the corner of his eyes he noticed a faint flow from under her hair y/n paid it no mind in reality pearl has been staring y/n from the beginning her long just hid her eyes.

Y/n: Umm sooo when will blue be back.

B.p: She will be returning soon. Do you not enjoy my company.

Y/n(in mind): What do you mean enjoy you have been standing there silently the entire time.

Y/n: Ah no I do I do enjoy it.

B.p: Hehe I'm glad.

Y/n gulped he was sweating as well.

Y/n: Hey umm would you mind giving me a tour of this place.

B.p: Of course not. Please follow me
my lord.

Y/n: Dont call me that.

B.p: But my diamond ordered me to. Besides I want to call you that.

Y/n: O..oh um ok. Ahm lead the way then.

Y/n followed B.p around once they reached a hallway y/n noticed a group of gems but got surprised when he noticed that they had nora and pearl with them.

Y/n: Hey uhhh pearl what are they doing.

B.p: Ah they must be delivering a human. Do you want to meet them.

Y/n: Ah yeah sure.

Y/n and B.p made their way towards them. Nora noticed them and was about to call y/n out but y/n signaled her to be quit. The agate leading them noticed y/n and immediately became tense.

Agate: Ah my grand clarity may I introduce to the Blue diamonds special guest.

Saphire: Oh um hello it's a pleasure to meet you.

Agate: Haaa my grand clarity please show some respect and address them as lord they out rank both of us.

Sapphire: My deepest apologies my lord.

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