Season Two, Episode Four: Kidnapped

125 5 2

August 13, 1716

Mono ducked as musket balls ricocheted past his face. 

"Seven, what the hell did you do?!" Mono shouted at the other boy, hastily unholstering his flintlocks. 

"I asked if they had any news about pirates! I didn't think they'd call the guards!" Seven replied, pulling his sword out. Mono reached around and blind-fired his flintlock, smiling slightly at the yell of pain that replied. Pulling his hood up, Mono reloads as fast as he can, watching as Seven begins throwing anything he could grab at the attackers. 

"Where are the girls!?" Mono asked, watching Seven. 

"I sent them back to the Runaway to get them out of harm's way!" Seven replied, earning a nod from Mono. Despite the brashness of the boy, Mono had to admit he was smart. A sudden static causes Mono to cry out, gripping his head. He watched as Seven did the same thing. A voice cuts through the static, and Mono watches as a man walks over to him, dressed in a suit. Bending down, he smiles. 

"So, you've got the escape artist and thief with you. I suppose that makes sense. After all, you scum always sit together. Mono's eyes widen, then the static returns, and Mono screams. 

Six POV, Two Days Later

Mono is sitting in his cell. Six knows this because it's the only thing he's allowed to do. Hopping down the wall quietly, Six makes her way towards his cell, seeing Seven looking out the window. Six raises her hand to her mouth, gesturing for Seven to stay quiet. The young boy nods, disappearing back into the shadows of his cell. Six scales the wall, using different holes and bricks to climb up to Mono's window. Knocking on it, Six watches Mono turn, expecting to see him happy. Instead, his face morphs into one of scared shock. Six cocks her head, then her eyes widen as Mono quickly grips his head and lets out a loud yell. The air around Six begins pulsating, and Six loses her grip on the window bars. An arm snakes out and grabs Six by her cloak, and the young girl finds herself face to face with a large smile. 

"There you are, escapist. I've got someone I want you to meet," the man says, and Six's eyes widen. She recognized this man. He had hunted her down during her escape from the Maw. The man smiles. Though he didn't have a name, many people called him the Thin Man due to his very gangly appearance. Six clawed at his arm as he dragged her through the bars, laughing. 

Mono POV

The static was unbearable. It hurt so much. But as Mono watched the mysterious man laugh as he dragged Six through the bars of Mono's cell window, Mono couldn't help but get angry. Slowly, and very unsteadily, Mono stood up. Grabbing one of the small rocks, Mono pitched it as hard as he could towards the man's head. Apparently, he had gotten stronger since the last time he had thrown something because the rock shoots towards the man's head and strikes him hard enough to cause a large splurt of blood to eject from his head. The man lets out a loud yell, dropping Six and gripping his head. The static vanished, and Mono sprinted forward, catching Six and dragging her towards the door of his cell. The man had left it open, probably expecting Mono to stay disabled. Mono carried Six towards the exit before a yell from Seven caught Mono's attention. Seven wasn't screaming for saving, though. Five had already cut through the window to allow him to climb out. Seven was gesturing down the hallway, but Mono didn't understand in time. A long arm strikes Mono, knocking him into a wall and sending Six into the air. The hand catches Six, and Mono follows it back to the man with his eyes. The arm retracts back, and the man laughs before vanishing. Mono gulped. He knew where they were going. The "Signal Tower," a prison known for its brutality. Many prisoners left disfigured, if they left at all. Mono couldn't imagine what they would do to Six, especially considering what she had done. Mono stood up, limping towards where Seven was gesturing. Once they made it back to the Runaway, where Five had left it floating just off the cliffside, Mono pulled his jacket and cloak on, making sure it sat perfectly. Seven looked over at him. 

"What's the plan, Captain?" Mono turned to Seven. 

"I want you to drop me off at the coast around the Signal Tower. Then, get as far away as possible," Mono said, sliding the hood up to hide his face. 

"No, no way. You're not going in there alone. I'm coming with you," Seven said, earning a disagreement from Five. 

"I'm not losing you right after I just got you back!" Five said, grabbing Seven by the shoulders. Seven shrugged her off, pulling her into a hug then pressing his lips against her. Mono had gone to retrieve his weapons, heading back up on deck just in time to see them separate. Mono walked up to Seven. 

"So, I take it you're coming with me?" Mono asked. 

"Yeah, let's go save Six." 

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