I Heart Boston

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I threw on an old Radiohead t-shirt, and a pair of Levi's. I grabbed my Dr. Martens and ran downstairs, almost tripping over Rubin, my cat. He's a very lazy cat. All he does is lie around and eat. Like owner, like pet.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, shining it on my shirt. Which probably wasn't a good idea, considering the fact that I don't remember the last time I washed this shirt. Oh, well. I bit into it, satisfied with the sugary, yet almost bitter taste.

My mother used to have a garden at our old house she used to love tending to, before she got a job in an office. I mean, it's great that she was making actual money, but if it isn't where your heart is, why bother? Just to get a check every 2 weeks, and pay for a vacation you don't even get to go on? Fuck that. That's why I'm going to be a photographer. It pays well, once you get clients, and you can always get a side job if revenue isn't coming in. And besides, it's the compensation of capturing beautiful things forever that really gets me excited.

Boston is an exciting city, with many people, places, and things to keep memories of. Just down the street from my apartment, is this small Belgian cafe that I've never actually eaten at, but whatever. I just liked the interior. It has balls of light strewn across the ceiling and mint colored walls, with black and white photographs of pastries and the chefs who made them. If I ever get around to redecorating my room, I'm doing it like theirs.

I slipped on my Dr. Martens, and grabbed my bookbag, and house keys. I also grabbed a couple of $20's from my mom's secret stash, which was only supposed to be broken into for emergencies. But she didn't have to know. I walked to the front door, and opened it, heading for the stairs.


Outside was warm; the kind of warm you feel after a kiss, or too many drinks. I opened my camera bag, and took out my Argus. I did this a lot, especially when I took walks at night. Anyone and anything had the potential to be photographed:  Streetlights, drunk people, gum on the sidewalk, etc. I probably had hundreds of photos of Boston at night.

I rounded the corner, smiling at the Belgian cafe as I walked. I was walking to Penrose Park, the only park I could truly relax at. It was never crowded, and the only people who hung out there were the elderly, and me. It was perfect.

I reached the gates, and just as I was about to walk into the park, my phone vibrated. It was Hazel, my best friend who was all the way across the country.

Hazel: Bea, I need a life

Me: I know

Hazel: No I'm serious my hands somehow found their way back to colin's instagram

Colin was her on again/off again boyfriend for 3 years now. But as of late, he was dating someone new and Hazel clearly wasn't handling the most recent break-up well.

Me: Hazel, I thought you were over Colin? That's what you told me when you sent me a picture of you and some guy kissing

Hazel: I sent that to Colin too, but all he did was ignore it. And I AM over Colin.

Hazel: I think

Me: Why don't you just talk to him?

Hazel: Lol ur funny

Me: this has been established already

Me: I'm serious though. You were together for 3 years. you can't honestly say that all your feelings for him have evaporated

Hazel: Who the fuck says evaporated? What century are you in?


Hazel: Fine. I may still be in love with him...but he clearly moved on. What am I supposed to do???

Me: Um...I don't know... talk to him, for one

Hazel: Have you seen his instagram lately?

Me: I don't even have one

Hazel: Well, he posted a pic of him and his gf and wrote 'I miss you' under it. And he wrote that right after Violet's party last Saturday. The same party they showed up at together.

Me: that could've been about you...maybe??

Hazel: yeah, because we've talked recently and both realized we miss each other 🙄

Me: Whatever

Hazel: Yeah, that's what I thought

Me: 🙄 Hazel, you need a life

Hazel: Did I not say that??

Hazel: Oh fuck

Me: What

Hazel: Matt from freshman algebra just walked in

Me: In your bedroom? Hazel...

Me: Wait, where are you?

Hazel: At a party, dumbass. Although, if it were my bedroom that would be bettter

Me: Lol you're disgusting

Hazel: You know you love me 😘

I looked up, and looked around, noticing an elderly couple near the edge of the gate, holding hands and smiling. I grabbed my camera and clicked before I texted Hazel back.

Me: I can't lie he's beautiful

Hazel: Yeah he is

Me: Send me a pic

Hazel: Hold on...

Moments later, the picture arrived.I clicked and stared at it, flooded over with complete shock. I mean, fuck.

Hazel: Now times that by 10, and you'll understand how he looks in person

Me: Wow.

I checked the time. It was 8:48, and I had to be back home by 9. I decided to head back. I passed cafes, boutiques, and restaurants on my way back. And then I passed my apartment complex, and decided to keep walking. I didn't feel like I got enough pictures tonight, and my mom was working late anyway.

I slipped in my earbuds, letting xxyyxx's smooth beats soothe my ears. I took a couple of pictures, mostly of people, and cars as they stopped at red lights. This street reminded me of my old neighborhood back home. The buildings looked the same, the stores looked the same. I felt nostalgic for a minute; thinking back to when I was 9, and first moved into that neighborhood in San Francisco. Not one person or house looked the same. I also remember the first time I dyed my hair when I was 12. I dyed it red but it looked horrible with my skin. And my school said it was a health hazard or some shit, and threatened to call my mom. Back then, my mom didn't care. She wasn't a conventionalist; hell, her hair was blue.

I put away my camera, and sighed. I missed California like hell. The sights, the people, high school, Hazel. And even Joey, my ex-boyfriend-turned-friend-kind-of. I missed him too. Even though we broke up a year ago. But this is my home now, and I love the sights and the people even more. I love Boston.

This was just a chapter to introduce Beatrix. I like her so far. I hope you like her too. Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes 😋

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