Chapter 12- Background Info on Elm Street

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We have been playing Fifa for like an hour. I versed all of the boys. I beat Ashton because his hopeless and I beat Luke which is weird because he beat everybody else. I think he let me win, that little poop emoji. Luke and Calum are currently doing a rematch, because Calum thinks that Luke cheated. They are sitting on the floor, while us "the left over’s' sit on the couch. I’m sitting on the far left, staring at Luke thinking about what could of happened if Luke's phone didn't go off. Would we have kissed, I don’t know. I’m watching, smiling at Luke beating Calum. His smile is memorizing, with his dimples and-
"Jean, Earth to Jean!" Ashton fake yells, cupping around his mouth to project his already loud voice. I snap out of my thoughts, I look at Ashton.
"Hm. What?!"
"Nothing," He says looking away, laughing.
"No you have to tell me now" I laugh because Ashton's laugh in contagious, shoving his shoulder.
"Nothing, it was you totally were checking Luke out" He whispers so only I can hear him.
"Was not!" I yell at him, causing everybody to look at me. "What are y'all looking at?" I ask the others, making the two boys sitting on the ground turn back to continue their game.
"Something Ugly" Michael shouts from the other side of the couch.
"Hey, don’t call her ugly you dweeb" Luke says eye glued to the screen.
"Yeah, what he said" I add in.
"You so like him" Ashton speaks very quietly.
"Shut up, Dork.” I say hitting him at least 5 times in his arms.
"Owww" he laughs holding arm. "Look, you're blushing” he coos, poking my face. I smack his hand away.
"I don’t blush, this is from laughing" I deny because I know for fact I was blushing because I can feel the heat radiating off my face.
"Whatever you say" he says "I’m hungry, order pizza Michael" he whine. Oh My God he is such a child.
We finished eating at 6 ish which an extremely early, well for me it is. We are currently sitting in the loungeroom engulfed in our own conversations. Michael is sitting on the floor arguing with Luke about their favourite song. Calum is on his phone probably texting someone and Ashton is talking to me about him getting glasses, because he has a condition called astigmatism. I’m not really quite sure, he just rambles on and on and on, in the nicest way I would like him to stop talking.
"Awww look at Calum, being all anti-social" Michael throws a cushion at Calum, causing all of us to laugh.
"Ayyyyy. Why are you so mean to me" Calum whines.
"Anyways, talking about being mean, Jean you said that you will tell us that thing" Ashton says, with a concerned look upon his face.
"Damn, I thought you would forget about that, well take a seat, get comfy." I tell them. With that Michael turns around on the floor to face me, I get somehow squished into the middle seat on the three person couch. With Luke and Ashton either side of me and Calum sitting on the arm of the lounge. "Now, if I tell you, you guys have to tell me shit about yourselves. I will start with background info then go into the deep and meaningful shit." I say
"Yeah, ok" Luke responds.
I clear my throat. "Um, well my full name is Jean Lee Anderson, my birthday is on the 19th of August I will be turning 17 , so it’s coming up soon" I smile. "You guys have met my mum Marie, you haven’t met my dad and you will never get the option to" They give me concerned looks "I will get to that later, I used to live in the Eastern suburbs until my dad got relocated, here, to the west side. He was a site manager for something, I’m not too sure and he got promoted to become a manager or boss or something. My mum was a school teacher but dropped that and become a bank teller, then later become a lawyer type person." I think they are getting bored. "So I moved here start of Year 7, I thought life was swell. Living life to the fullest as a regular 12/13 year old." I say I can feel the emotions get to me. "So about a month" My voice cracks. I clear and throat, I breathe out " About month into year 7 my Dad left us, it wasn’t because he didn’t love us or anything, but he needed to get away from anything" I can feel my tears brimming in my eyes, threatening to fall. "He never told someone anything about his emotions or the way he felt. He... b-bottled everything up, which led him to, um..." I can feel my tears roll down my face, I look up, so no one can see me , which is stupid because I can feel their gazes on my. I wipe my face. I feel a warm hand rubbing gentle circles on my knee. I look to the hand and find that hand matches to the one and only Luke Hemmings. "Um.. it led him to end his own life" I sniffle. To Hear Ashton say "Shit.."
"And news spread around the school real quick, for the first couple years at school people used to you know pity me and my mum" I wipe my face again. “The next two years were hell, because this chick Chelsea Somerville made a rumour that I caused my dad to do what he did and blamed my mum as well. I got bullied, lot. I was in a dark place not knowing how to get out of the never ending black hole, then I found music, music guided me to happiness and I learned to ignore everything. After the end of last year mum said it was best if I  moved schools, I didn’t get accepted to this school until the end of term1, then term 2 I’m here, met you amazing people and the happiest I ever been. and I thank you so much" I smile at the boys staring at me.
"I’m so sorry." Calum says.
"Yeah, I’m sorry we asked." Michael said
"No, don’t be sorry, it's fine you were going to find out sooner or later." I say.
"Nawww group hug" Ashton exclaims, then all of the boys are hugging me , well laying on me. It’s very sweet of them.
"Alright, alright get off me.  You are squishing my insides." I say smiling. "It feels good to tell someone that, you know. It feels like a weight has been lifted. Anyways sorry about the depressing shit, now tell me more stuff about you"
"I will start, Miss Jean Lee Anderson" Ashton says."Well my full name is Ashton Fletcher Irwin. My dad left my family when I was younger. I have two younger siblings Lauren and Harry. My mum’s name is Anne. My birthday is 7th of July I will be turning 19, so it’s also coming up. I repeated 2 years of school, so that why I’m like in the same year as you. and yeah that's it, Michael you’re up" Ashton finishes.
"The name is Michael Gordan Clifford. Born on the 20th November, I’m turning 18. I also repeated a year. Only Child. Mum and dad, Daryl and Karen. They are actually out for dinner at the moment. And dad works night shifts, so that’s why you haven't seen him. Alright keeping it quick, Next Hood you’re up" Michael ends
"Well, Calum Thomas Hood, 25th of January I’m 17 now. Sister Mali, Mum Joy, dad David. Yep, Luke" Calum says
"Um, well, my full name is Luke Robert Hemmings. My Birthday is 16th of July, I’m also turning 17. I have two older brothers, Jack and Ben. My mum and dad Liz and Andrew, yep that’s me" Luke says.
"Cool, you guys have cool middle names" I say smiling.
"Are you saying that our first names suck?" Luke asks.
"No, I’m just saying. it doesn’t matter" I say. "Let’s watch a movie or something"
"yeah lets watch Nightmare on Elm Street" Michael suggests.
"What!!!! Are you stupid? Do you want me to die?" I say
"We will protect you" Ashton says. It's not late at all, it’s only 7, so I can probably recover before I go to bed.
"Fine, but if I die. I will haunt you from my grave" I say causing them to chuckle.
"Ok Clifford movie, Hood Blankets and pillows and Anderson and Hemmings to the kitchen to get food" Ashton bosses everyone around.
"What are you going to do Irwin?" I ask him
"Guard the fought, and respect your elders, young lady" I roll my eyes, his unbelievable.
The movie is finished, it still kind of shook up a bit Because it's based on a true story. But it wasn’t too bad in the beginning, but then I couldn’t watch anymore because I was too scared I covered my eyes with a blanket, although it didn’t stop the noises though. Luke and Ashton were on either side of me. To their word they did protect me; well Luke did, while Ashton was too busy screaming at the TV. Luke snuggled me into his arms, so my head was resting on his chest. I could feel him jump every now and then throughout the movie, but he didn’t move his arm from around my waist. It was comforting. I actually didn’t know the movie was finished until Luke actually told me.
"I’m never watching scary movies ever again," I blurt out. "Anyways, it’s like 9 or whatever, I better be off" I say.
"Awww your not leaving are you?" Michael whines, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah I should be going, Wait don’t you guys have your own home to go too" I say
"yeah, we do. but when I say Mum going to Michael's house, she doesn’t expect me home until tomorrow morning" Ashton explains.
"Fair enough. Can one of you guys take me home?" I ask
"Luke, can" Ashton says
"Alright lets go, give me your keys Ash." Luke demands

After a short car ride, Luke pulls up in my drive.
"Alright, thanks Luke." I say unbuckling my seat belt. "I might just grab my guitar from the back, as well."
"Alright, And Jean you don’t have to say thank you every time I drive you places, you know" Luke says from the front seat, as I’m at the back getting my guitar. I walk around to Luke's window, which he winds down.
"I know, good night Luke Robert Hemmings" I say pecking a kiss on his cheek.
"Yeah, um, Good Night Jean" he says. He waits until I walk up to the door, I knock knowing that mum would still be up. She answers the door. I turn around and wave to Luke; he does the same and drives away.

Hey guys,
I want to tell you guys about my eventful day.
Well, first  I was outside helping my mum take in the washing, I was standing in the door frame of the wooden door, while holding opening the fly screen door waiting for mum to carry in the basket, then BAM a gust of wind came out of nowhere, jamming my pinkie finger and the tip of my ring finger in the door. Lucky my sister was on the other side, because she opened the door almost immediately, not realizing my fingers were in the door.
And Second and last thing, some little turd burgers pulled off 4 palings of our fence, those little shits, lucky my dog didn’t escape.
that would be all.

Live Long and Prosper
-Moni xxx
P.s. sorry if this chapter is boring,

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