Chapter 11- Caught Dancing

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The boys dropped me off at my house, when school finished, obviously. They said for me come over at like 4ish. So it gives me an hour to check on my mum and do anything she wants me to do, before I head out again. I open my front door and yell out "Mum!"
"In the loungeroom!" she yells back. I walk to the loungeroom, dropping my school bag at the bottom of the staircase. I see my mum sitting on the lounge watching Marvel Agents of Shield, like a boss.
"Hey, Mum" I pat her on the head.
"I'm not a dog, so there is no need to pat me like one" she sasses at me
"Hey mum. Can I go to Michael's this afternoon?" i ask
"Yeah, you dont have to ask you can just go and text me where you are" She tells me.
"Yeah I know but I wanted to check up on you" I say sitting next to her. "Is there anything you wanted me to do before I go" I ask
"Um. There is nothing really to do, since you did most of it yesterday. You can tidy up your room a little bit if you want" she tells
"Yeah I will do that now" I say getting up, walking to the stairs, grabbinge my bag "If you need anything just give me a yell" I say as I reach the top step.
I open my door to my beloved room. My room isn't even untidy or anything. So I just chuck my bag on the floor next to my clothes basket. I throw myself on my double bed covered with my favourite Marvel comic cover and stare up at the Black Veil Brides and Sleeping With Sirens posters directly above my bed. (they are above my bed because I ran out of space on my walls) Being bored as hell I grab my pink Sony headphones and connect my phone and listen to my random music, on full blast. I listen to my music for a while laying on my bed. I almost fall asleep laying down, so I jump up dancing around holding my pretend guitar (as its in Ashtons car from earlier music practice). Imagining I'm at my very own concert, singing along to the lyrics even though no one else can hear them. Im doing this for like 5 Minutes, Then I start spinning around in circles. To find a tall figure behind me watching. Which scared the shit out of me.Oh My God that's embarrassing.

When we were at Michael's house we realised that we didnt have any snacks or food for that matter. So the boys made me get food and told me to pick up Jean on the way there or back. It doesn't matter which. Well I thought to get food first, to give Jean some extra time checking on her mum and stuff.

I pull up in Jeans driveway, getting out I knock on her door. Her mum answered the door.
"Hello, Ms Anderson. Is Jean here?" i ask shoving my hands in my pockets of my jeans.
"Yeah she is. Shes up in her room. and you can call me Marie. Anyways Come in, come in" Marie says. It sounds weird calling her Marie not Ms Anderson or Jeans mum. I follow her into her house where I have been twice very briefly so Im quite unfamiliar with my surroundings.
"You can go up there. Jean's room is the door with all the drawings on it. you will see it" She says.
"Thank you" I respond walking up the stairs turning left to see a plain boring door covered in her drawings.They are really cool. I knock on the door a couple of times. Theres no response. I call her name as I open the door to see Jean dancing around listening to her headphones. Oh my god its really quite funny. Im standing here for like 3minutes admiring her room covered in posters and photos of bands, movies, tv shows, comics you name it I can probably see it on her walls and ceiling. Her room is really tom-boyish, if you ignore her shelf of makeup, hair products and the occasional bra or underwear laying around. I also notice that she has one of those bench seats with open storage cubes next to the door. The three cube things are full of books and Albums. At the momento Im watching Jean dancing around as Im leaning in the doorframe. I can't help but smile ear to ear. Jean starts spinning around, when she finally notices me. She jumps and squeals. She takes her headphones off and puts them around her neck.
"What the heck!! You scared the shit out of me. I swear I just died."she yells in shock placing her hand on her beating heart. "How long have you been standing there for?" She turns her music off. Unplugging her headphones throwing them on her bed.
"I dont know a while. I came to get you" I say.
"You know, you dont have to pick me up and stuff all the time" She says rubbing her collarbone.
"Why do you do that for" I ask.
"Do what?" She responds confused. I Walk over to her.
"You know, rub your collarbone. It leaves red marks, like right here" I gently trace the red marks she made with my fingers, twice. Stopping, I look up at her, I gaze into her beautiful blue eyes, where her eyes met mine. I brush a piece of hair out of her face and behind her left ear. I can see Jean smile at this action. I lean in closer, when can feel my phone vibrate. God Damnt. Why. Why. i cough awkwardly "Um we.. should be going" i pull away
"um..Yep" Jean clears her throat "Lets go" She says smacking bum.
"Heyyyyyyyyyyy" I exclaim rubbing where she had smacked me. I look at Jean who is laughing. "That wasn't funny" I whine, sticking my bottom lip out like a 5 year old.
"Hell yeah it was" Jean says pretty proudly. "Come on the boys will be waiting" she adds shoving her phone in her back pocket of her skinny jeans. We walk down stairs.
"Hey mum we are going now, probably be home late or tomorrow morning, either way Love you. See you later" Jean yells from the bottom of the stairs.
"Alright have fun and no funny business ok. Love you" her mum yells back. I can see Jean Sigh in Embarrassment.
We jump in the car to find its 10 minutes to 4. I guess we did pretty good for time, I reckon. Jean chose music for the 7 minute ride. We are listening to a really cool mashup/remix of anything punk rock. Its pretty cool. We pull up at Cliffords house. I asked Jean to carry one of the bags of food into the house. So we entered the house not even bothering knocking because this is like a second home to me dumping the food in the kitchen and we walk to Michael's mancave.
"About time you guys showed up. we thought you died" Michael over exaggerates, as he watches Ashton getting flogged in Fifa against Calum.

Hey y'all.
Im sorry if there is any spelling mistakes etc. i uploaded this chapter on my phone instead of the laptop, because my mum had to do "school work". Yes i said school work. my mum is a school teacher whoopa.
I really like this chapter.... Just saying.
Btw its school holidays here in Australia so i will probably be uploading almost every day, hopefully.
Anywhore, I hope you like this story so far.
Live long and prosper
-Moni xxxx

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