Chapter 32- I've Got Chills

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"Calum can you stop running around in socks you are going to fall over and hurt yourself?" I whine sitting at his kitchen bench.
"But its fun though. Like you should try it. It's so fun. Weeeee." He says sliding off.
"No, I won't be doing that. Jean will be here any second now and we are going to ready for Ashton's dinner thing. And you should get ready too. Do you even have a leather jacket yet or..."

"Can you stop worrying Milly. Ugh just relax, chill. And by the way what you wearing tonight?" He questions leaning on the bench.
"Can't tell you its a secret." I tease him.
"Nahhhh don't do that. Tell me." He begs. Someone knocks at the door.
"Sorry Calum. I have to go." I tell him
"Baby come back, we can blame it all on love, and I just can live without you telling what your going to wear." Calum sings laughing at himself.
"You're an idiot. Alright bye bye see you later." I wave.
"No wait." Calum says grabbing my hand pulling me back towards him. "You forgot something." He says, before pecking a kiss on my lips and pushing me away. "Bye. See you later." He says.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Bye." I say walking out the door.
"Took you long enough. And why is your cheeks flushed. Ew I don't even want to know." Jean screws her nose up in disgust.
"Ugh you're so annoying. But You cant talk. Because I caught you and Luke doing something I didn't want to see. Now that's inbedded in my mind forever!!!" I say very dramatically.
"You only caught us kissing" Jean tells me.
"Kissing with your shirts off." I remind her jumping into her car.
"RELAX I still had a bra on. But do you remember that night when I slept at Luke's and came back home to see you and Calum making out on MY bed... that was pretty gross" Jean states before driving out of Calum's driveway.
"Anyways what are we gonna do when we get home Besides the 20 minutes set aside of beautifying." I ask
"I was thinking Call of Duty or Star wars marathon. I can't decide. So that's what I will be doing, anyways." She tells me
"Yeah. Whatever. I'm thinking Mario kart though. Just saying" i say shrugging my shoulders.
"Oooo yes i loooooovvvveee Mario kart. Itsa me aMario" Jean laughs.

"Ashton honey are you home." My mum yells while walking through the front door.
"Yeah. I'm in the Loungeroom." I yell back, turning off the TV. "Hey Mum" I say standing up meeting her in the loungeroom.
"Happy birthday to my baby boy. Who is all grown up now. My little boy." Mum says hugging me tightly.
"Can't breathe" I struggle.
"Oh sorry. Anyways I got you a little something. But take a seat first please." I do what I'm told and sit down on the lounge as mum races through the house to find the siblings. Lauren and Harry come running out jumping next to me. And mum comes out holding a flat white box.
"Here you go darling. Sorry I couldn't be here in the morning. And I know you and your friends are going out to Shakes'n'Steaks for your dinner and its a 50-60's theme so your grandparents and I bought you this." Mum says handing me the box.
I look up at her grinning from ear to ear. Slowly opening the lid to reveal a black leather hunk of material. Pulling the material out of the box to reveal a very cool black leather jacket.
"This is really cool. You didn't have to you know. Thanks." I stand up hugging my mum.
"It's ok darling. I'm glad you liked it. Now you should probably get ready." She says.
"Ok. Thanks Mum. Love you heaps." I say racing to my room to get dressed.

"Ashton darling. The boys are here to pick you up." My mum yells.
"Ok." I respond walking out of my room wearing my denim skinny jeans and plain white shirt and with my new jacket. And my classic black and white hitop converse. I meet up with the other boys in the loungeroom.
"Wow look at you guys looking like Danny Zuko and Kenickie from Grease. What are they called again? The Thunderbolts,.... birds. T-Birds. That's it." Mum says racing to her hand bag, searching for something. Pulling out her phone.
"Ashton, looking groovy" Luke says winking at me forming a gun with his hands.
"Luke what the fuck is with your stupidity?" Michael shouts at Luke.
"Michael Clifford don't use that language in my presence and don't be mean to Luke."
"Sorry. But he started it." Michael whines.

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