Chapter six: shes gone...

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TW: sh, pills, and attempting to commit su*cide

Flash back
*sometime in the first or second week of third year*
*everyone is getting there mail*
*I was staring at my letter*
"Heyy y/n" Pansy says sitting down next to me with an envelope in her hand "ooh I see you got a letter" she said excitedly "who's it from?" She asked
"Are you ok y/n?"

I looked up at her and shook my head then look back at the letter

"What does it say?" She asked looking concerned

"M- my mum" I start "is she ok?" Pansy said still looking concerned

"I- I d-don't know" I look back up at her with tears in my eyes

"Oh no" she says pulling me into a tight hug and I just sat there in shock

"It's a letter from my father or probably one of our house elves, it says that my mother was in a bad accident and isn't waking up" I say

"I um- I'm gonna go back to my dorm" I get up and start speed walking out of the great hall

"Oh Hey guys- are you ok y/n?" Theo starts but I brush past him

Once I got to the dorm I sat in the windowsill and took out my vape trying to calm myself down but failing

After about ten minutes of looking out the window trying to get my mind off of the news I had just gotten, I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life and I took out my pocket knife and made a mark on my wrist I barely flinched but as the blood dripped down my forearm I started silently crying

What did I get myself into?

*now to a few days into 6th year*
I was finishing up some homework when daisy who's one of my house elf's appeared

"M-master y/n?" She says
"Oh hello daisy! what are you doing at Hogwarts?"
"Daisy has some bad news for master y/n"
"Just y/n" I say giving her a warm smile
"Oh yes, w-well daisy has some sad news for y/n" she said nervously looking down at her torn shoes
"Yes what is it?" I say looking at her
"She- she's gone master y/n"
"W-what?" I say starting to tear up
"Daisy is very sorry but she's gone. Your father wanted daisy to just write a letter to you but daisy thought you might want to hear it in person so i disobeyed master and came to you here...

She kept on rambling on about how she wasn't supposed to be here or something but I stoped listening after she said she's gone

My mother was gone...

I cried for a long time before Theo came into my dorm to ask me something or whatever but when he saw me balled up he quickly came to comfort me and I told him what happened

*now back to present day*
Still Y/N POV:
After the day was over I went into my dorm and sat in the windowsill and put a silencing charm around where I was

"Shit. Shit. Shit."
"What did I do?!" "Why would I do that to him?!"
"Why am I like this?"

"That's it I can't do it anymore" I scribble down a note for Theo and grab a shit ton of random pills (some were expired and some weren't) I went to the bathroom, filled up a random cup with water, put the pills in my mouth and the water and I swallowed them

"Well there's no going back now" I say louder then I meant to

"Going back on what?" Pansy comes in grabbing her toothbrush, putting a glob of toothpaste on it and starting to brush her teeth

I didn't have enough time to answer before I fell down


Pansy's POV:

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I saw y/n was already there but they didn't look like they did earlier they seemed sick maybe?

"Well there's boing back now" she's says randomly

"Going back on what?" Say putting a glob of toothpaste on my toothbrush and putting it in my mouth

No answer

"Y/n?" I turn around to see her on the floor shaking with her eyes rolled back in her head

"Y/n?! Shit! What did you do?!"

"Uhhh wha- how- umm" I say in a panic

I run out into the common room where thank god Theo was "Theo! Theo please help it's y/n!"

He looks up from his book "what happened?" He asked

"I'm not really sure, I just walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed and she was just standing there looking really sick and then she said there's no going back and she passed out" I say frantically

"Holy- what did you do y/n?" He runs into our room and sees the note with 'Theo' written on it

He opens it and reads it then looks up in horror and runs to the bathroom where y/n was

Ok I know this chapter is intense but shut up I'm depressed

Ps. Do NOT try sh it's addictive and it's not a good thing so take care of  yourself and speaking of that go get something to eat and or drink something and remember you are loved <33


Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now