Chapter seventeen: really?! Now?!

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Starting where we left off


"Wait." He looks up "I hear footsteps"

"Oh shit" we quickly get everything back on and mattheo gets off my bed

"Shit shit shit"

"Alright let's start fighting so when she comes in she doesn't suspect anything"

"Ok" he says buttoning up the last button on his shirt and tucking it neatly into his pants

"Alright 3, 2, 1" I whisper

"Ughh I can't with you Mattheo!" I shout

"Oh for fucks sake y/n-

"Just get out already"

Pansy walks in

"Woah ok I think I interrupted something" Pansy says backing up a little

Yeah no shit "No he was just leaving" I say

"Oh shut up y/n-

I slap him across the face

Mattheo's pov:

Holy shit did she just slap me-

That was kinda hot ngl but it also kinda hurt

"Wow" Pansy turns on her heal and walks out

"Hey what the hell is wrong with you?!" I put my hand up to my face where she hit me

She mouths a quick 'sorry' and looks out the door to see if Pansy was completely gone

"I am so sorry about that mattheo" she walks over to me and I smile

"Oh don't worry about it princess, I thought it was kinda hot," I put my hand on the side of her face and lick my lips "and besides, I can take a hit"

"I told you not to call me that"

"I know" I kiss her "so.. wanna finish what we started-

"Ha you wish"

I give her a questioning look

"Maybe later, but right now.. we're fighting. Remember?" She says

"Ughh I hate this"

She pats my cheek "you'll survive" and she walks out

And she leaves the room leaving me alone

Y/n's pov:

I walk down to the common room where all my friends were

"Hey y/n/n" Theo says

"Hey Theo" I sit down

"What happened with mattheo?" Pansy asks

"A lot. He was just being his normal jerky self-

He walks by flipping me off before going to his dorm

"Yeesh" Pansy says

This ones pretty short but I edited it and i honestly think it's better then before

Ok please don't murder me for this
*hides behind a chair*

Y/N x Matteo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now