Princess Myra

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Princess Myra's carriage showed up outside the castle and her parents got out. She was so excited to see such a pretty place since her home was so... run down.

Cedric stood outside with the royal family, including Baileywick, to greet the visiting princess and her family. He wasn't sure why King Roland had insisted on him being there to greet the visitors as well. He would have much rather stayed in his tower tinkering with his spells and potions. But he knew better than to disobey the king, so he attempted to put on his most welcoming face for the new guests, which wasn't much more than a disgruntled frown.

Myra was amazed by her surroundings, she always was when she traveled. She stopped to look at the royal family, looking for someone she could hang out with, since she knew her parents would get busy and leave her. No one really gave the right vibe to her until she looked at the royal sorcerer. She knew who she'd be clinging to while she was here.

Cedric stood silently while the king gave his greeting to the visiting royals. He wasn't really paying attention, wishing how much he could just return to his workshop already, until he caught the eye of the new princess. She was staring at him. He averted his gaze, unsure of why she was looking at him like that, and feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. "And this is Cedric, our royal sorcerer," he heard King Roland introduce him. Baileywick nudged him in the arm, and Cedric instantly bowed at the waist before the royal guests. "Your majesties," he greeted them.

Myra giggled quietly at how zoned out he was. Her father looked at her with a stern gaze that told her to straighten up and act like a lady. And she did just that, standing still and folding her hands in front of her.

Cedric didn't seem to notice the change in the princess as he straightened up. King Roland, along with the rest of his family, began to lead the visitors inside. Since the king hadn't asked him to do anything else other than greet the guests, he turned the other way to return to his tower. Maybe now he could work without any more interruptions. Not that the king had asked him to prepare anything, but he still liked experimenting with his spells and potions.

Myra came after him, giggling. "Hello!" She smiled. "I'm sorry to bother you- But I just know I'm going to be left alone and I was hoping I could hang out with you for a little while?"

Cedric stopped in his tracks upon hearing a female voice behind him. He turned around to see Princess Myra standing behind him. A confused expression formed on his face when she asked to hang out with him. "Surely you'd rather socialize with one of the other princesses?" he asked her. "I'm much too busy to be entertaining you anyway." He turned to walk back to his tower once more.

"Those princesses are what, eight?" She laughed a little. "Can I just watch?" She asked. "I'll be quiet. Maybe I can learn from you, our sorcerer, Einhart, isn't very good.. I usually end up teaching him things.." She told him.

Well she did have a point, he reasoned. He was so used to Sofia always clinging to him that he forgot not everyone enjoyed hanging out with children. Himself included. "Oh very well," he resigned. "And no touching anything either!" He wasn't particularly thrilled about having yet another princess hanging around his workshop, but at least she would probably be less bothersome than Sofia was.

"No touching. Gotcha." She nodded and continued to follow him. She looked around as they walked. "I'm kinda glad I can finally see a real sorcerer at work." She told him.

He thought the compliment was a little strange since they had just met, not to mention given his reputation for being a bungler. Still, he was always glad to accept a compliment. Especially since everyone else at the castle, except for Sofia, didn't think very highly of him. "Yes, well, you say your sorcerer isn't very proficient?" he asked as they reached the base of his tower. He was a bit intrigued at the mention of her teaching their sorcerer.

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