Chapter 6: Power Plucking Potion

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 He looked up at all the spell books he had piled on shelves around the tower. Where to start? He wished he had thought of this ahead of time. Despite how daunting the task seemed though, that rush of excitement still lingered in him. It almost didn't seem real, like he was walking through a dream. But the feeling of the jewel in his hand was certainly real. It was really happening, right at that very moment. All his dreams were finally coming true. "Can you believe it, Wormy?" he asked the raven with a big smile, grabbing the ladder so he could start searching the shelves for the right spell. "All this time trying to get the amulet, one foiled scheme after the other, and all I needed was a love-struck princess!" He didn't mean anything bad about Myra when he said this, but he was pretty sure that was the reason why Myra stole the amulet for him in the first place.

Wormwood chuckled at Cedric's enthusiasm. "I can believe it. But I also believe I deserve at least a bit of credit, I was the one who told her to take it for you." He said as he watched his master look through the books.

Myra laid the amulet beside Sofia before laying back down. She felt sort of bad for having to do this to Sofia, but she tried not to think about it too much. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he'd hugged her- She never imagined the necklace would make him that happy.

"Very well, thank you for doing that," he commended the raven, scanning through the rows of books while being extra careful not to fall off the ladder this time. As he pulled out a book to look through it, a thought suddenly occurred to him. "Actually, why did you tell her to take the amulet?" he asked Wormwood. He honestly was curious to know whether his theory was true.

"Because I knew she'd do it." He explained. "There's not much else to it. She's head over heels for you and I said you'd forgive her if she could bring it to you, so here we are."

So he had been right, mostly. He just couldn't believe that she was that desperate to do whatever a bird told her to without question. Although he still didn't care for the fact that she was in love with him (though he was highly flattered that someone could like him like that), it apparently had its advantages. He shrugged and went back to looking through the spell book he had chosen, choosing to just stay on the ladder this time as he looked so he wouldn't have to keep going back and forth.

Myra woke up fairly early, stretching and yawning. She hadn't got a lot of sleep at all but she'd be fine. She wondered if Cedric had gotten that spell yet and glanced over to look at Sofia. Amber was still asleep, snoring quietly.

As the morning sunlight streamed in through the open roof of the observatory, Sofia stirred until she woke up, yawning and stretching. Almost immediately something felt different to her. She reached a hand up towards her neck to touch her amulet only to discover that it wasn't there. Panic began to fill her mind as she searched around the bed for her amulet. It didn't take her long to find it though, and she immediately calmed down when she saw it resting near her pillow. "That's weird," she mumbled to herself as she picked up her amulet and latched it back around her neck. "It usually never falls off." Turning around, she noticed Myra was up to and waved at her. "Good morning, Myra!" she greeted her quietly so as not to wake Amber. She got out of bed and walked over to Myra's bed, leaning against the mattress. "Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Not really.." She shook her head and looked at her. "Had nightmares. Was afraid something happened to you." She told her. It wasn't true, but she had said that before and y'know, having two different stories would be a little

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Sofia, frowning slightly. She actually had no memory of Myra accidently waking her up, being half asleep still. "I'm sure you'll feel a lot better once you've had some breakfast though," she told her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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