The Charmancy

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Myra had just finished her breakfast and started toward Cedric's tower, taking her shoes off as she got to the stairs. She knocked on the door and Wormwood looked at the door, glad she was back. Maybe he could see what he missed yesterday--

Cedric had already been up for some time, since the crack of dawn. He had actually decided to go to bed after Myra had left, an unusual choice for him. Though he hadn't gotten much sleep, as usual. As soon as he got up, he set to work as was his usual routine. He realized Myra and him had never finished putting away the healing potion, so he had set to work doing that and cleaning up the station. As he was putting the potion away, he wondered briefly if he should have tested it on burns as well. After cutting himself yesterday though, he didn't really feel like burning himself to. "Wormwood, I know what I said yesterday, but would you mind testing the healing capabilities of the potion when it comes to burns?" he asked when he heard a knock on his door. He opened it to see Princess Myra standing outside. "Oh! Good morning, Princess Myra," he greeted her. He didn't expect her to come so early.

"Good morning!" She smiled and came in. Wormwood was so relieved that she was there because she wouldn't let Cedric burn him. He landed on her shoulder. "Hm? What's wrong with the baby?" she asked, petting Wormwood.

"Oh, nothing! He's just happy to see you is all," he laughed nervously, knowing full well about the promise he had made to Wormwood the previous day, the promise that Myra had heard him make. He would just have to test that part of the potion later when the princess wasn't around, he thought. Even if that meant he would have to resort to using himself as a test subject. Besides, he really didn't want Myra offering to burn herself. He figured she probably would to, being so willing to test out his potion the previous day.

"Aww! I'm glad to see you too!" She told him and he glared at Cedric for lying to her. "He's so cranky.." She booped his beak and he nipped at her. Calling him a baby was enough, he didn't want to be booped. "Hey!" She said but wasn't actually too concerned. He didn't hurt her.

"He's always cranky," he told her, ignoring the raven's glare. He wasn't too pleased though when he saw Wormwood try to nip the princess. "Wormwood!" he scolded his raven. "I told you to be nice to her! You know better than to nip at people!"

And Wormwood cawed at him, seeming to snap back. "It's okay, that was my fault. I bothered him." She admitted. "Anyway. Are you working on anything today?"

Cedric decided to let the matter with Wormwood go, seeing as how Myra wasn't upset by it. "I hadn't given it much thought yet," he answered, being busy that morning with putting away the healing potion. He walked over to his desk and, setting down one of his spell books, opened it and began to leaf through it. "The king hasn't requested anything from me- yet-, but I'm sure we can find something to work on."

"Okay." She watched him, still petting Wormwood. "Hey, do you think we could make something so Wormwood could talk? That'd be so cool!"

Cedric thought about this for a moment, a little uncertain. "I'm not sure I'd want to know what he has to say," he said, glancing at the raven sitting on her shoulder. It wasn't entirely true though. He had thought before how nice it would be if Wormwood could respond whenever he spoke to the bird. "But I've never tried creating a speaking potion before either. I don't know whether I'd have all the ingredients." He quickly flipped through the pages of his book, looking to see if such a potion, or even a spell, were in there. But he got to the end of the book without finding anything. "Perhaps it's in another book?" He looked up at the expansive number of books he had sitting on several shelves above their heads. Trying to find the right book was going to be like finding a needle in a haystack. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?" he asked Myra.

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